Besonderhede van voorbeeld: -4416956374087469698



Helen Mary Jones : A gytunwch fod y pwysau ar gyllideb Cymru i fodloni'r holl anghenion hynny yn dadlau'n gryf dros fformwla sydd yn seiliedig ar anghenion i gymryd lle fformwla Barnett ? A wnewch chi gytuno i bwyso am fformwla o'r fath waeth beth fo safbwyntiau eich cyd-Aelodau yn yr Alban ? Efallai eich bod wedi diflasu ar y cwestiwn hwn , Brif Weinidog , ond parhawn i'w ofyn hyd nes y teimlwn ein bod wedi cael ateb synhwyrol
Helen Mary Jones : Do you agree that the pressures on the Welsh budget to meet all those needs argues the case strongly for a needs-based formula to replace the Barnett formula ? Will you undertake to press for such a formula regardless of the views of your Scottish colleagues ? You may be bored with this question , First Minister , but we will continue to ask it until we feel that we have been given a sensible answer


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