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Author: WikiMatrix


Some think that this deportation constitutes an act of genocide according to the IV Hague Convention of 1907 and the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide of the U.N. General Assembly (adopted in 1948), including French historian and expert on communist studies Nicolas Werth, German historian Philipp Ther, Professor Anthony James Joes, American journalist Eric Margolis, Canadian political scientist Adam Jones, scholars Michael Fredholm and Fanny E. Bryan.
Sommigen beschouwen de deportatie als een daad van genocide zoals beschreven in Haagse Conferenties van 1907 en het Genocideverdrag van 1948 van de Algemene Vergadering van de Verenigde Naties, waaronser de Franse historicus en specialist inzake communistische studies Nicolas Werth, de Duitse historicus Philipp Ther, professor Anthony James Joes, Amerikaans journalist Eric Margolis, geleerden Michael Fredholm en Fanny E. Bryan.


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