Besonderhede van voorbeeld: -4780508914597179661


Author: EurLex-2


5 Bell's filial i Avonmouth ved Bristol var optaget i selskabsregistret for England og Wales i henhold til section 690A i Companies Act 1985 og schedule 21A til samme lov.
5 Die Zweigniederlassung der Gesellschaft in Avonmouth in der Nähe von Bristol war gemäß Section 690 A und Schedule 21 A des Companies Act 1985 (Gesetz über die Gesellschaften) im Gesellschaftsregister für England und Wales eingetragen.
5 Το υποκατάστημα της Bell στο Avonmouth, κοντά στο Bristol, ήταν καταχωρισμένο στο Μητρώο εταιριών σύμφωνα με το άρθρο 690 Α και με το παράρτημα 21 Α του Companies Act 1985.
5 The Bell branch at Avonmouth, near Bristol, was registered with the Registrar of Companies under section 690A and Schedule 21A of the Companies Act 1985.
5 La sucursal de Bell en Avonmouth, cerca de Bristol, estaba inscrita en el Registro Mercantil con arreglo al artículo 690A y al Anexo 21A de la Companies Act 1985.
5 Yhtiön sivuliike Avonmouthissa, lähellä Bristolia, oli rekisteröity Registrar of Companies for England and Wales -nimiseen rekisteriin vuoden 1985 Companies Actin (yhtiölaki) 690 §:n ja sen liitteen 21 A mukaisesti.
5 La succursale de la société sise à Avonmouth, près de Bristol, était immatriculée au Registrar of Companies for England and Wales conformément à l'article 690 A du Companies Act 1985 et à son annexe 21 A.
5 La succursale della Bell sita ad Avonmouth, vicino a Bristol, era iscritta nel registro delle società ai sensi dell'art. 690 A e dell'allegato 21 A del Companies Act del 1985.
5 Het bijkantoor van de vennootschap te Avonmouth, bij Bristol, was overeenkomstig Section 690 A en Schedule 21 A van de Companies Act 1985 ingeschreven in het Registrar of Companies for England and Wales.
5 A sucursal da Bell em Avonmouth, perto de Bristol, estava inscrita no Registo Comercial nos termos da section 190 A e do anexo 21A do Companies Act 1985.
5 Bolagets filial i Avonmouth, i närheten av Bristol, var registrerad i Registrar of Companies of England and Wales (bolagsregistret) i enlighet med section 690A i Companies Act 1985 (bolagslag) och bilaga 21A till denna.


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