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He was also criticised for attending the Notting Hill Carnival and for wearing a baseball cap in public in what were seen as poor attempts to appeal to younger voters.[55] Shortly before the 2001 election, Hague was much maligned for a speech in which he predicted that a re-elected Labour government would turn the UK into a "foreign land".[56] The BBC also reported that the Conservative peer Lord Taylor criticised Hague for not removing the whip from John Townend, a Conservative MP, after the latter made a speech in which he said the British were becoming "a mongrel race", although Hague did reject Townend's views.[57]
Még azért is bírálták, mert részt vett a Notting Hill-i karneválon és nyilvánosan baseballsapkát viselt, hogy a fiatal szavazóknak imponáljon.[22] A 2001-es választások előtt röviddel azért került össztűzbe, mert egy beszédében azt jósolta, hogy ha a Munkáspártot újraválasztják, "külföldet" csinál az Egyesült Királyságból.[23]


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