Besonderhede van voorbeeld: -4968356167689365121



Byddwch yn falch o glywed nad wyf am adrodd mwy o'r hanes, ond mae'n gallu pwyso ar rai ohonom fel pe baent yn ddioddefwyr, gan beri i rai ddigalonni neu hyd yn oed droi cefn ar yr iaith a gwatwar y sawl sydd yn parhau i geisio ei siarad a'i dysgu, a chan fychanu a gwadu'r hanes gwaedlyd hwnnw.
I will tell you no more of the history, you will be pleased to hear, but it does prey on some of us as if we are victims, causing some to lose heart or even to turn their backs on the language and deride those who still want to speak and learn it, and they mock and deny that blood-soaked history.


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