Besonderhede van voorbeeld: -5053992856304972014



With the shortening of the days all hope of obtaining her husband's forgiveness began to leave her: and there was something of the habitude of the wild animal in the unreflecting instinct with which she rambled on - disconnecting herself by littles from her eventful past at every step, obliterating her identity, giving no thought to accidents or contingencies which might make a quick discovery of her whereabouts by others of importance to her own happiness, if not to theirs. Among the difficulties of her lonely position not the least was the attention she excited by her appearance, a certain bearing of distinction, which she had caught from Clare, being superadded to her natural attractiveness.
冬日的白昼一天天变短了,她开始放弃了得到她丈夫宽恕的所有希望:她有了野生动物的性情,走路的时候全凭直觉,而从不加思考 — — 她要一步步一点点地把自己同多事的过去割断,把自己的身分消除,从来也不想某些事件或偶然性可能让人很快发现她的踪迹,这种发现对她自己的幸福却是很重要的。 在她孤独的处境中,自然有许多困难,而其中她的容貌惹人注意却不能算是最小的。 在克莱尔的影响下,她除了原先的天然魅力,现在又增添了优雅的举止。


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