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Author: EurLex-2


25 – На езика на производството: „[...] Aldi’s pricing for yellow bananas served as a reference price for all purchasers of bananas, whether green or yellow, in Northern Europe“ (точка 47 в края на жалбата на Dole по дело T‐588/08; вж. също точка 46 в края на тази жалба).
25 – V jednacím jazyce: „[...] Aldi’s pricing for yellow bananas served as a reference price for all purchasers of bananas, whether green or yellow, in Northern Europe“ (bod 47 in fine žaloby Dole ve věci T‐588/08; viz také bod 46 in fine uvedené žaloby).
25 – På processproget: »[...] Aldi’s pricing for yellow bananas served as a reference price for all purchasers of bananas, whether green or yellow, in Northern Europe« (punkt 47 in fine i Doles stævning i sag T-588/08; jf. også punkt 46 in fine i denne stævning).
25 — Στη γλώσσα διαδικασίας: «[...] Aldi’s pricing for yellow bananas served as a reference price for all purchasers of bananas, whether green or yellow, in Northern Europe» (σημείο 47, in fine, του δικογράφου προσφυγής της Dole στην υπόθεση T‐588/08· βλ. και σημείο 46, in fine, του ιδίου δικογράφου).
25 – In the language of the case: ‘... Aldi’s pricing for yellow bananas served as a reference price for all purchasers of bananas, whether green or yellow’ (end of paragraph 47 of Dole’s application in Case T‐588/08; see also end of paragraph 46 of that application).
25 – En la lengua de procedimiento: «[...] Aldi’s pricing for yellow bananas served as a reference price for all purchasers of bananas, whether green or yellow, in Northern Europe» (apartado 47, in fine, del escrito de demanda de Dole en el asunto T‐588/08; véase también el apartado 46, in fine, de dicho escrito de demanda).
25 – Oikeudenkäyntikielellä: ”– – Aldi’s pricing for yellow bananas served as a reference price for all purchasers of bananas, whether green or yellow, in Northern Europe” (Dolen asiassa T‐588/08 esittämän kannekirjelmän 47 kohdan loppu; vrt. myös kyseisen kannekirjelmän 46 kohdan loppu).
25 – Dans la langue de procédure: «... Aldi’s pricing for yellow bananas served as a reference price for all purchasers of bananas, whether green or yellow, in Northern Europe» (fin du point 47 de la requête de Dole dans l’affaire T-588/08; voir aussi la fin du point 46 de cette requête).
25 – Na jeziku postupka: „... Aldi’s pricing for yellow bananas served as a reference price for all purchasers of bananas, whether green or yellow, in Northern Europe“ (kraj t. 47. tužbe društava Dole u predmetu T‐588/08; vidjeti također kraj t. 46. te tužbe)
25 – Az eljárás nyelvén: „[...] Aldi’s pricing for yellow bananas served as a reference price for all purchasers of bananas, whether green or yellow, in Northern Europe” (a Dole T‐588/08. sz. ügyben benyújtott keresetlevele 47. pontjának vége; lásd továbbá az említett keresetlevél 46. pontjának végét).
25 – Nella lingua processuale: «(...) Aldi’s pricing for yellow bananas served as a reference price for all purchasers of bananas, whether green or yellow, in Northern Europe» (punto 47 in fine dell’atto introduttivo della Dole nella causa T‐588/08; v. anche il precedente punto 46, in fine del medesimo).
25 – Tiesvedības valodā: “[..] Aldi’s pricing for yellow bananas served as a reference price for all purchasers of bananas, whether green or yellow, in Northern Europe” (Dole prasības pieteikuma beigās, 47. punkts, lietā T‐588/08, EU:T:2013:130; skat. arī attiecīgā prasības pieteikuma beigās, 46. punkts).
25 – Bil-lingwa tal-kawża: “[...] Aldi’s pricing for yellow bananas served as a reference price for all purchasers of bananas, whether green or yellow, in Northern Europe” (tmiem il-punt 47 tar-rikors ta’ Dole fil-Kawża T‐588/08; ara wkoll tmiem il-punt 46 ta’ dan ir-rikors).
25 – In de procestaal als volgt geformuleerd: „[...] Aldi’s pricing for yellow bananas served as a reference price for all purchasers of bananas, whether green or yellow, in Northern Europe” (punt 47 in fine van het verzoekschrift van Dole in zaak T‐588/08; zie ook punt 46 in fine van dat verzoekschrift).
25 – W języku postępowania: „[...] Aldi’s pricing for yellow bananas served as a reference price for all purchasers of bananas, whether green or yellow, in Northern Europe” (pkt 47 in fine skargi spółki Dole w sprawie T‐588/08; zob. także pkt 46 in fine skargi w niniejszej sprawie).
25 — Na língua do processo «[...] Aldi’s pricing for yellow bananas served as a reference price for all purchasers of bananas, whether green or yellow, in Northern Europe» (final do n.° 47 da petição da Dole no processo T‐588/08; v., também, parte final do n.° 46 da mesma petição).
25 – În limba de procedură: „[...] Aldi’s pricing for yellow bananas served as a reference price for all purchasers of bananas, whether green or yellow, in Northern Europe” (punctul 47 in fine din cererea introductivă a Dole în cauza T‐588/08; a se vedea de asemenea punctul 46).
25 – V jazyku konania: „...Aldi’s pricing for yellow bananas served as a reference price for all purchasers of bananas, whether green or yellow, in Northern Europe“ (bod 47 in fine žaloby podanej spoločnosťou Dole vo veci T‐588/08; pozri tiež bod 46 in fine spomínanej žaloby).
25 – V jeziku postopka: „... Aldi’s pricing for yellow bananas served as a reference price for all purchasers of bananas, whether green or yellow, in Northern Europe“ (točka 47 tožbe družbe Dole v zadevi T‐588/08; glej tudi točko 46 te tožbe).
25 – På rättegångsspråket: ”... Aldi’s pricing for yellow bananas served as a reference price for all purchasers of bananas, whether green or yellow, in Northern Europe” (punkt 47 i slutet i Doles ansökan i mål T‐588/08, EU:T:2013:130, se även punkt 46 i slutet i denna ansökan).


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