Besonderhede van voorbeeld: -5102228764941862794


Author: EurLex-2


2 Запитването е отправено в рамките на спор между European Federation for Cosmetic Ingredients (наричана по-нататък „EFfCI“) и от друга страна, Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills (Министър на търговията, иновациите и занаятите, наричан по-нататък „Министърът на търговията“) и Attorney General, в присъствието на Cruelty Free International, по-рано British Union for the Abolition of Vivisection, и на European Coalition to End Animal Experiments, относно обхвата на забраната за пускане на пазара, предвидена в посочената разпоредба.
2 Tato žádost byla předložena v rámci sporu mezi European Federation for Cosmetic Ingredients (dále jen „EFfCI“) na jedné straně a Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills (státní tajemník pro obchod, inovace a znalosti, dále jen „státní tajemník pro obchod“) a Attorney General na straně druhé, za účasti Cruelty Free International, dříve British Union for the Abolition of Vivisection a European Coalition to End Animal Experiments, ohledně rozsahu zákazu prodeje stanoveného uvedeným ustanovením.
2 Anmodningen er blevet indgivet under en sag mellem på den ene side European Federation for Cosmetic Ingredients (herefter »EFfCI«) og på den anden side Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills (ministeren for erhverv, innovation og erhvervskompetencer, herefter »ministeren for erhverv«) og Attorney General med procesdeltagelse af Cruelty Free International, tidligere British Union for the Abolition of Vivisection, og European Coalition to End Animal Experiments vedrørende omfanget af det markedsføringsforbud, der er fastsat i den nævnte bestemmelse.
2 Es ergeht im Rahmen eines Rechtsstreits zwischen der European Federation for Cosmetic Ingredients (im Folgenden: EFfCI) einerseits und dem Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills (Staatssekretär für Handel, Innovation und berufliche Qualifizierung, im Folgenden: Staatssekretär für Handel) und dem Attorney General, unter Beteiligung von Cruelty Free International, vormals British Union for the Abolition of Vivisection, und der European Coalition to End Animal Experiments, andererseits wegen des Umfangs des in dieser Bestimmung festgelegten Vermarktungsverbots.
2 Η αίτηση αυτή υποβλήθηκε στο πλαίσιο ένδικης διαφοράς μεταξύ, αφενός, της European Federation for Cosmetic Ingredients (στο εξής: EFfCI) και, αφετέρου, του Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills (Υπουργού Εμπορίου, Καινοτομίας και Τεχνογνωσίας, στο εξής: Υπουργός Εμπορίου) και του Attorney General, παρισταμένων της Cruelty Free International, πρώην British Union for the Abolition of Vivisection, και της European Coalition to End Animal Experiments, με αντικείμενο την έκταση της προβλεπόμενης στην εν λόγω διάταξη απαγορεύσεως διαθέσεως στο εμπόριο.
2 The request has been made in proceedings between the European Federation for Cosmetic Ingredients (‘EFfCI’), on the one hand, and the Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills (‘Secretary of State for Business’) and the Attorney General, on the other, with Cruelty Free International, formerly the British Union for the Abolition of Vivisection and the European Coalition to End Animal Experiments intervening, concerning the scope of the prohibition of marketing laid down in that provision.
2 Esa petición se ha presentado en el marco de un litigio entre la European Federation for Cosmetic Ingredients (en lo sucesivo, «EFfCI»), y el Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills (Secretario de Estado para la empresa, la innovación y la capacitación, en lo sucesivo, «Secretario de Estado de Comercio») y el Attorney General, en el que intervienen Cruelty Free International, anteriormente British Union for the Abolition of Vivisection, y la European Coalition to End Animal Experiments, acerca del alcance de la prohibición de comercialización establecida en esa disposición.
2 Taotlus on esitatud ühelt poolt European Federation for Cosmetic Ingredientsi (edaspidi „EFfCI“) ning teiselt poolt Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skillsi (kaubandus-, innovatsiooni- ja kutseoskuste ministeerium, edaspidi „kaubandusministeerium“) ja Attorney Generali vahelises vaidluses, millest võtsid osa Cruelty Free International, varem British Union for the Abolition of Vivisection ja European Coalition to End Animal Experiments, ja mille ese on kõnealuses sättes ette nähtud turustamiskeelu kohaldamisala.
2 Tämä pyyntö on esitetty asiassa, jossa asianosaisina ovat European Federation for Cosmetic Ingredients (jäljempänä EFfCI) sekä Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills (liiketoiminta-, innovaatio- ja ammattitaitoministeri, jäljempänä liiketoimintaministeri) ja Attorney General ja jonka käsittelyyn osallistuvat Cruelty Free International, aikaisemmin British Union for the Abolition of Vivisection, ja European Coalition to End Animal Experiments ja joka koskee mainitussa säännöksessä säädetyn markkinoille saattamisen kiellon ulottuvuutta.
2 Cette demande a été présentée dans le cadre d’un litige opposant la European Federation for Cosmetic Ingredients (ci-après l’« EFfCI »), au Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills (secrétaire d’État au Commerce, à l’Innovation et au Savoir-faire, ci-après le «secrétaire d’État au commerce») et à l’Attorney General, en présence de Cruelty Free International, anciennement British Union for the Abolition of Vivisection et de la European Coalition to End Animal Experiments, au sujet de la portée de l’interdiction de commercialisation prévue à ladite disposition.
2 Zahtjev je podnesen u okviru spora između, s jedne strane, European Federation for Cosmetic Ingredients (u daljnjem tekstu: EFfCI) i, s druge strane, Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills (državni tajnik za poduzetništvo, inovaciju i osposobljavanje, u daljnjem tekstu: državni tajnik za poduzetništvo) te Attorney General, uz sudjelovanje Cruelty Free International, prijašnji British Union for the Abolition of Vivisection i European Coalition to End Animal Experiments, u vezi s dosegom zabrane stavljanja na tržište predviđene tom odredbom.
2 E kérelmet a European Federation for Cosmetic Ingredients (a továbbiakban: EFfCI) és a Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills (vállalkozásügyi, innovációs és készségfejlesztési miniszter, a továbbiakban: vállalkozásügyi miniszter), valamint az Attorney General között, a Cruelty Free International, korábban British Union for the Abolition of Vivisection és a European Coalition to End Animal Experiments részvételével, az említett rendelkezésben előírt forgalmazási tilalom hatályával összefüggésben folyamatban lévő eljárásban terjesztették elő.
2 Tale domanda è stata presentata nell’ambito di una controversia tra, da un lato, l’European Federation for Cosmetic Ingredients (in prosieguo: l’«EFfCI») e, dall’altro, il Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills (Ministro del Commercio, dell’Innovazione e delle Qualifiche professionali; in prosieguo: il «Ministro del Commercio») e l’Attorney General (il Procuratore Generale), con l’intervento della Cruelty Free International, già British Union for the Abolition of Vivisection e dell’European Coalition to End Animal Experiments, in merito alla portata del divieto di commercializzazione previsto dalla suddetta disposizione.
2 Šis prašymas pateiktas nagrinėjant European Federation for Cosmetic Ingredients (toliau – EFfCI) ginčą su Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills (valstybės sekretorius, atsakingas už prekybą, inovacijas ir profesinę kompetenciją, toliau – valstybės sekretorius, atsakingas už prekybą) ir Attorney General, dalyvaujant Cruelty Free International (anksčiau British Union for the Abolition of Vivisection ir European Coalition to End Animal Experiments), dėl minėtoje nuostatoje numatyto prekybos draudimo apimties.
2 Šis lūgums ir iesniegts saistībā ar tiesvedību starp European Federation for Cosmetic Ingredients (turpmāk tekstā – “EFfCI”) un Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills (Valsts sekretārs uzņēmējdarbības, inovāciju un profesionālās kvalifikācijas jomā, turpmāk tekstā – “Valsts sekretārs uzņēmējdarbības jomā”) un Attorney General, piedaloties Cruelty Free International, agrākajam British Union for the Abolition of Vivisection, un European Coalition to End Animal Experiments par šajā normā paredzētā tirdzniecības aizlieguma tvērumu.
2 Din it-talba tressqet fil-kuntest ta’ kawża bejn, minn naħa, l-European Federation for Cosmetic Ingredients (iktar ’il quddiem l-“EFfCI”), u, min-naħa l-oħra, is-Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills (Segretarju tal-Istat għan-negozju, l-innovazzjoni u l-ħiliet), iktar ’il quddiem is-“Segretarju tal-Istat għan-negozju”) u l-Attorney General, fil-preżenza ta’ Cruelty Free International, li kienet British Union for the Abolition of Vivisection u ta’ European Coalition to End Animal Experiments, fir-rigward tal-portata tal-projbizzjoni ta’ kummerċjalizzazzjoni prevista fl-imsemmija dispożizzjoni.
2 Dit verzoek is ingediend in het kader van een geding tussen de European Federation for Cosmetic Ingredients (hierna: „EFfCI”), enerzijds, en de Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills (minister van Bedrijfsleven, Innovatie en Vaardigheden; hierna: „minister”) en de Attorney General, anderzijds, in tegenwoordigheid van Cruelty Free International, voorheen British Union for the Abolition of Vivisection, en de European Coalition to End Animal Experiments, over de omvang van het in die bepaling neergelegde verbod om bepaalde producten in de handel te brengen.
2 Został on przedstawiony w ramach sporu, jaki zaistniał pomiędzy European Federation for Cosmetic Ingredients (zwaną dalej „EFfCI”) a Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills (brytyjskim ministrem ds. gospodarki, innowacji i kompetencji zawodowych, zwanym dalej „ministrem ds. gospodarki”) i Attorney General, przy udziale Cruelty Free International, wcześniej występującej pod nazwą British Union for the Abolition of Vivisection (brytyjskiego związku na rzecz zniesienia wiwisekcji) oraz European Coalition to End Animal Experiments (europejskiej koalicji na rzecz położenia kresu eksperymentom na zwierzętach), w przedmiocie zakresu przewidzianego w tym przepisie zakazu wprowadzania do obrotu.
2 Este pedido foi apresentado no âmbito de um litígio que opõe a European Federation for Cosmetic Ingredients (a seguir «EFfCI») ao Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills (a seguir «Secretary of State») e ao Attorney General, sendo intervenientes a Cruelty Free International, anteriormente British Union for the Abolition of Vivisection, e a European Coalition to End Animal Experiments, a respeito do alcance da proibição de comercialização prevista na referida disposição.
2 Această cerere a fost prezentată în cadrul unui litigiu între European Federation for Cosmetic Ingredients (denumită în continuare „EFfCI”), pe de o parte, și Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills (secretarul de stat pentru comerț, inovație și competențe, denumit în continuare „secretarul de stat pentru comerț”) și Attorney General, pe de altă parte, cu participarea Cruelty Free International, fostă British Union for the Abolition of Vivisection, și a European Coalition to End Animal Experiments, în legătură cu domeniul de aplicare al interdicției de comercializare prevăzute în dispoziția menționată.
2 Tento návrh bol predložený v spore medzi združením European Federation for Cosmetic Ingredients (ďalej len „EFfCI“) na jednej strane a Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills (štátny tajomník pre odchod, inovácie a znalosti, ďalej len „štátny tajomník pre obchod“) a Attorney General na druhej strane, za účasti organizácií Cruelty Free International, predtým British Union for the Abolition of Vivisection a European Coalition to End Animal Experiments, týkajúcom sa rozsahu zákazu uvádzania na trh stanoveného v tomto ustanovení.
2 Ta predlog je bil vložen v okviru spora med European Federation for Cosmetic Ingredients (v nadaljevanju: EFfCI) ter Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills (minister za podjetništvo, inovacije in usposabljanje, v nadaljevanju: minister za podjetništvo) in Attorney General ob udeležbi Cruelty Free International, nekdanje British Union for the Abolition of Vivisection, in European Coalition to End Animal Experiments glede obsega prepovedi trženja iz navedene določbe.
2 Begäran har framställts i ett mål mellan European Federation for Cosmetic Ingredients (nedan kallad EFfCI), å ena sidan, och Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills (minister för näringsliv, innovation och yrkeskvalifikationer, nedan kallad näringslivsministern) och Attorney General, å andra sidan. Ytterligare deltagare i rättegången är Cruelty Free International, tidigare British Union for the Abolition of Vivisection, och European Coalition to End Animal Experiments. Målet rör frågan om räckvidden av förbudet mot saluföring i nämnda bestämmelse.


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