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You should note that Islam permits marriage to a Christian woman on condition that she should be a believer in her religion and she should not be an atheist or a person with no religion, and on condition that she should be chaste and honourable, not a fornicator or a woman who has boyfriends. In order for the marriage contract to be valid, you should have a guardian who will give your hand in marriage and there should be two Muslim witnesses to the marriage contract; announcement of the marriage may take the place of witnesses. For more details on this, please see the answer to questions no.
第二: 你应该知道:伊斯兰允许穆斯林娶信仰基督教的女人为妻,但条件是她要信仰基督教、不能是无神论者、或者是不信任何宗教的;要洁身自好、保持贞操,不能与他人有奸情或者是有情人的;在缔结正确婚约的时候,你的监护人(家长)必须要为你主婚,把你许配给丈夫,必须要有两个穆斯林证人参加和见证缔结婚约的仪式,必须要在大庭广众之下公开你们的婚姻。 欲了解详细内容,敬请参阅(2527 )和(12283 )号问题的回答。


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