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He recruited choreographer Heinrich Kröller (1880–1930) from the Berlin State Opera and collaborated with him on a series of productions, restaging his earlier work for the Ballets Russes Josephslegende (1922), and rearranging the music of Schumann, François Couperin, Beethoven, and Gluck for, respectively, Karneval (1922), Ballettsoirée (1923), Die Ruinen von Athen (1924), and Don Juan (1924).
Reclutó al coreógrafo Heinrich Kröller (1880–1930) de la Ópera Estatal de Berlín y colaboró con él en una serie de producciones, replanteando su trabajo anterior para los Ballets Russes Josephslegende (1922), y reorganizando la música de Schumann, François Couperin, Beethoven, y Gluck para, respectivamente, Karneval (1922), Ballettsoirée (1923), Die Ruinen von Athen (1924) y Don Juan (1924).


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