Besonderhede van voorbeeld: -5342383736694716568


Author: not-set


Dette fungicid har været genstand for en evalueringsrapport fra Den Europæiske Fødevaresikkerhedsautoritet (EFSA) vedtaget i oktober 2009 (EFSA-Q-2009-00700 – Reasoned opinion of EFSA: Setting of new MRLs for BAS 650 F in table and wine grapes, potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, courgettes, melons and lettuce).
Dieses Fungizid ist Gegenstand eines im Oktober 2009 angenommenen Bewertungsberichts der Europäischen Behörde für Lebensmittelsicherheit (EFSA-Q-2009-00700 — Reasoned opinion of EFSA: Setting of new MRLs for BAS 650 F in table and wine grapes, potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, courgettes, melons and lettuce).
Αυτό το μυκητοκτόνο αποτέλεσε αντικείμενο μιας έκθεσης αξιολόγησης της Ευρωπαϊκής Αρχής για την Ασφάλεια των Τροφίμων που εγκρίθηκε τον Οκτώβριο του 2009 [EFSA-Q-2009-00700 - Reasoned opinion of EFSA: Setting of new MRLs for BAS 650 F in table and wine grapes, potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, courgettes, melons and lettuce (Αιτιολογημένη γνώμη της ΕΑΑΤ: Καθορισμός νέων ανώτατων ορίων υπολειμμάτων (MRL) για το BAS 650 F σε επιτραπέζια και οινοποιήσιμα σταφύλια, πατάτες, ντομάτες, πιπεριές, αγγούρια, κολοκυθάκια, πεπόνια και μαρούλια)].
This fungicide was the subject of an evaluation report by the European Food Safety Authority, adopted in October 2009 (EFSA-Q-2009-00700 — Reasoned opinion of EFSA: Setting of new MRLs for BAS 650 F in table and wine grapes, potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, courgettes, melons and lettuce).
Este fungicida ha sido objeto de un informe de evaluación de la Autoridad Europea de Seguridad Alimentaria, elaborado en octubre de 2009 (EFSA‐Q‐2009‐00700) — Reasoned opinion of EFSA: Setting of new MRLs for BAS 650 F in table and wine grapes, potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, courgettes, melons and lettuce).
Tämä sienitautien torjunta-aine on Euroopan elintarviketurvallisuusviranomaisen lokakuussa 2009 antaman arviointiraportin aiheena (EFSA-Q-2009–00700 – Reasoned opinion of EFSA: Setting of new MRLs for BAS 650 F in table and wine grapes, potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, courgettes, melons and lettuce).
Ce fongicide a fait l'objet d'un rapport d'évaluation de l'Autorité européenne de sécurité des aliments adopté en octobre 2009 (EFSA‐Q‐2009‐00700 — Reasoned opinion of EFSA: Setting of new MRLs for BAS 650 F in table and wine grapes, potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, courgettes, melons and lettuce).
Il fungicida è stato oggetto di una relazione di valutazione dell’Autorità europea per la sicurezza alimentare adottata nell’ottobre 2009 (EFSA-Q-2009-00700 — Reasoned opinion of EFSA: Setting of new MRLs for BAS 650 F in table and wine grapes, potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, courgettes, melons and lettuce).
Voor dit gewasbeschermingsmiddel heeft de Europese Autoriteit voor voedselveiligheid een beoordelingsrapport opgesteld, dat is aangenomen in oktober 2009 (EFSA-Q-2009-00700 — Reasoned opinion of EFSA: Setting of new MRLs for BAS 650 F in table and wine grapes, potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, courgettes, melons and lettuce).
O fungicida em questão foi objecto de um relatório de avaliação elaborado pela Autoridade Europeia para a Segurança dos Alimentos e adoptado em Outubro de 2009 (EFSA-Q-2009-00700 — Reasoned opinion of EFSA: Setting of new MRLs for BAS 650 F in table and wine grapes, potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, courgettes, melons and lettuce).
Acest fungicid a făcut obiectul unui raport de evaluare al Autorităţii Europene pentru Siguranţa Alimentară, adoptat în octombrie 2009 (EFSA-Q-2009-00700 - Reasoned opinion of EFSA: Setting of new MRLs for BAS 650 F in table and wine grapes, potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, courgettes, melons and lettuce).
Denna fungicid har behandlats i en utvärderingsrapport från Europeiska myndigheten för livsmedelssäkerhet som antogs i oktober 2009 (EFSA‐Q-2009‐00700 – Reasoned opinion of EFSA: Setting of new MRLs for BAS 650 F in table and wine grapes, potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, courgettes, melons and lettuce).


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