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In the first place, We wish you to recall a certain fact to your priests and to the faithful confided to your care, a fact which you know already and which you yourselves will explain to them somewhat more in detail. The fact is this. If the new Associations and the statutes which are to govern them contribute to making the juridical position of the Church in your country somewhat more stable and by consequence more satisfactory than it has been, this should not be accepted as a reason for permitting that noble and generous rivalry between them, and which We have already praised in this very letter, to go out of existence.
Sacerdotes enim et fideles, qui sunt curae vestrae concrediti, monemus — quod idem ipsimet et plane scitis et fusius dicturi estis —, per novas Consociationes earumque Statuta iuridicam quidem Ecclesiae apud vos condicionem aliquanto tutiorem eoque ipso meliorem fieri, non adeo tamen, ut nobile illud ac generosum, quod ab initio laudavimus, certamen cessare debeat aut possit; neque enim bona per legem discidii adempta, iustae scilicet restitutionis nomine, recuperari licuit.


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