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Author: EurLex-2


Viz též ohledně pojmu „sociální zabezpečení“ uvedeného v čl. 11 odst. 1 písm. d) směrnice 2003/109, Halleskov, L., „The Long-Term Residents Directive: A Fulfilment of the Tampere Objective of Near-Equality?“, European Journal of Migration and Law, sv. 7, 2005, č. 2, s. 181, zvláště s.
Βλ., επίσης, σχετικά με την έννοια της «κοινωνικής ασφάλισης» στην οποία αναφέρεται το άρθρο 11, παράγραφος 1, στοιχείο δ ́, της οδηγίας 2003/109, Halleskov, L., «The Long-Term Residents Directive: A Fulfilment of the Tampere Objective of Near-Equality?», EuropeanJournalofMigrationandLaw, vol. 7, 2005, τεύχος 2, σ. 181, ιδίως σ.
See, also, concerning the concept of ‘social security’ referred to in Article 11(1)(d) of Directive 2003/109, Halleskov L. ‘The Long-Term Residents Directive: A Fulfilment of the Tampere Objective of Near-Equality?’, European Journal of Migration and Law, vol. 7, 2005, No 2, p. 181, esp. p.
Véase asimismo, en relación con el concepto de «seguridad social» contemplado en el artículo 11, apartado 1, letra d), de la Directiva 2003/109, Halleskov, L., «The Long-Term Residents Directive: A Fulfilment of the Tampere Objective of Near-Equality?», European Journal of Migration and Law, vol. 7, 2005, no 2, pp. 181 y ss., especialmente p.
Ks. direktiivin 2003/109 11 artiklan 1 kohdan d alakohdassa tarkoitusta sosiaaliturvan käsitteestä myös Halleskov, L., ”The Long-Term Residents Directive: A Fulfilment of the Tampere Objective of Near-Equality?”, European Journal of Migration and Law, 7. vuosikerta, 2005, nro 2, s. 181, erityisesti s.
Voir, également, à propos de la notion de «sécurité sociale» visée à l’article 11, paragraphe 1, sous d), de la directive 2003/109, Halleskov, L., «The Long-Term Residents Directive: A Fulfilment of the Tampere Objective of Near-Equality?», European Journal of Migration and Law, vol. 7, 2005, no 2, p. 181, spéc. p.
V. anche, con riguardo alla nozione di «prestazioni sociali» di cui all’art. 11, n. 1, lett. d), della direttiva 2003/109, Halleskov, L., «The Long-Term Residents Directive: A Fulfilment of the Tampere Objective of Near-Equality?», European Journal of Migration and Law, vol. 7, 2005, n. 2, pag. 181, in particolare pag.
Zie ook, naar aanleiding van het begrip „sociale zekerheid” zoals bedoeld in artikel 11, lid 1, sub d, van richtlijn 2003/109, Halleskov, L., „The Long-Term Residents Directive: A Fulfilment of the Tampere Objective of Near-Equality?”, European Journal of Migration and Law, vol. 7, 2005, nr. 2, blz. 181, spec. blz.
V., igualmente, a propósito do conceito de «segurança social» referido no artigo 11.°, n.° 1, alínea d), da Diretiva 2003/109, Halleskov, L., «The Long‐Term Residents Directive: A Fulfilment of the Tampere Objective of Near‐Equality?», European Journal of Migration and Law, vol. 7, 2005, n.° 2, p. 181, especial p.
A se vedea în egală măsură, în ceea ce privește noțiunea „securitate socială” avută în vedere la articolul 11 alineatul (1) litera (d) din Directiva 2003/109, Halleskov, L., „The Long‐Term Residents Directive: A Fulfilment of the Tampere Objective of Near‐Equality?”, în European Journal of Migration and Law, vol. 7, 2005, nr. 2, p. 181 și în special p.
Glede pojma „socialnega zavarovanja“ iz člena 11(1)(d) Direktive 2003/109 glej tudi Halleskov, L., „The Long-Term Residents Directive: A Fulfilment of the Tampere Objective of Near-Equality?“, European Journal of Migration and Law, vol. 7, 2005, št. 2, str. 181, spéc. str.
Se även med avseende på begreppet social trygghet i artikel 11.1 d i direktiv 2003/109, Halleskov, L., ”The Long-Term Residents Directive: A Fulfilment of the Tampere Objective of Near-Equality?”, European Journal of Migration and Law, vol. 7, 2005, nr 2, s. 181, särskilt s.


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