Besonderhede van voorbeeld: -5490070589713579537



Fel y gwyddom i gyd , mae'r Gweinidog yn hoff o sefyll wrth y ddarllenfa hon i wneud datganiadau am bob math o bethau , ond bu'n hynod ddistaw ynghylch manylion cyllido addysg chweched dosbarth a'r pwerau ychwanegol dros addysg ein plant y mae'n bwriadu eu rhoi i gwango a ddaeth yn ddihareb am ei fwnglereiddiwch
As we all know , the Minister is fond of standing at this lectern to make statements on all sorts of matters , but she has been notably silent about the detail of sixth-form funding and the extra powers over our children's education that she intends to give to a quango that has become a byword for incompetence


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