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Author: EurLex-2


Задължения на НЕТА за плащане, произтичащи от или във връзка със споразумението за подкрепа от 7 октомври 2004 г. между НЕТА (сегашно наименование) и HYPO ALPE-ADRIA (JERSEY) II Limited относно 150 000 евро 000 Fixed/Floating Rate Non-Cumulative Non-Voting Preferred Securities issued by Hypo Alpe-Adria (Jersey) II Limited (включително допълнителните споразумения).
Platební závazky podniku HETA vyplývající z dohody o podpoře („Support Agreement“), včetně jejích dodatků, nebo s touto dohodou souvisejí. Uvedenou dohodu uzavřel (nyní) podnik HETA a podnik HYPO ALPE-ADRIA (JERSEY) II Limited dne 7. října 2004, ohledně „150 000 000 Fixed/Floating Rate Non-Cumulative Non-Voting Preferred Securities issued by Hypo Alpe-Adria (Jersey) II Limited“.
Betalingsforpligtelser, som påhviler HETA på grundlag af eller i tilknytning til Support Agreement mellem (nu) HETA og HYPO ALPE-ADRIA (JERSEY) II Limited af 7. oktober 2004 med tillæg vedrørende »EUR 150 000 000 Fixed/Floating Rate Non-Cumulative Non-Voting Preferred Securities issued by Hypo Alpe-Adria (Jersey) II Limited«.
Zahlungsverpflichtungen der HETA aus oder in Zusammenhang mit dem Support Agreement zwischen (nunmehr) der HETA und der HYPO ALPE-ADRIA (JERSEY) II Limited vom 7. Oktober 2004 samt Nachträgen betreffend die „EUR 150 000 000 Fixed/Floating Rate Non-Cumulative Non-Voting Preferred Securities issued by Hypo Alpe-Adria (Jersey) II Limited“.
Υποχρεώσεις πληρωμής της HETA που απορρέουν από ή σε σχέση με τη συμφωνία υποστήριξης μεταξύ (στο εξής) της HETA και της HYPO ALPE-ADRIA (JERSEY) II Limited της 7ης Οκτωβρίου 2004 μαζί με προσθήκες που αφορούν τους μη σωρευτικούς και χωρίς ψήφο προνομιούχους τίτλους για ποσό 150 000 000 EUR με σταθερό/κυμαινόμενο επιτόκιο, οι οποίοι είχαν εκδοθεί από την Hypo Alpe-Adria (Jersey) II Limited.
Payment obligations of HETA from or in connection with the Support Agreement between (now) HETA and HYPO ALPE-ADRIA (JERSEY) II Limited dated 7 October 2004 together with supplementary agreements relating to the EUR 150 000 000 Fixed/Floating Rate Non-Cumulative Non-Voting Preferred Securities issued by Hypo Alpe-Adria (Jersey) II Limited
Obligaciones de pago de HETA derivadas del, o vinculadas al, Support Agreement de 7 de octubre de 2004 entre (actualmente) HETA e Hypo Alpe-Adria (Jersey) II Limited sobre los «EUR 150 000 000 Fixed/Floating Rate Non-Cumulative Non-Voting Preferred Securities issued by Hypo Alpe-Adria (Jersey) II Limited», incluidos sus suplementos.
HETA maksekohustused tulenevalt 7. oktoobril 2004. aastal (praegu) HETA ja HYPO ALPE-ADRIA (JERSEY) II Limited vahel sõlmitud toetuslepingust (sealhulgas lisalepingud seoses EUR 150 000 000 Fixed/Floating Rate Non-Cumulative Non-Voting Preferred Securities issued by Hypo Alpe-Adria (Jersey) II Limited) või seoses sellega.
HETAn maksuvelvoitteet, jotka johtuvat (nykyiseltä nimeltään) HETAn ja HYPO ALPE-ADRIA (JERSEY) II Limitedin välisestä 7. lokakuuta 2004 päivätystä tukisopimuksesta sekä sen lisäsopimuksista (EUR 150 000 000 Fixed/Floating Rate Non-Cumulative Non-Voting Preferred Securities issued by Hypo Alpe-Adria (Jersey) II Limited) tai liittyvät niihin.
Les engagements de paiement de HETA qui découlent du, ou sont liés au, Support Agreement entre (désormais) HETA et Hypo Alpe-Adria (Jersey) II Limited du 7 octobre 2004, y compris ses suppléments, concernant les «EUR 150 000 000 Fixed/Floating Rate Non-Cumulative Non-Voting Preferred Securities issued by Hypo Alpe-Adria (Jersey) II Limited».
Obveze plaćanja HETA-e koje proizlaze iz ili u vezi sa Sporazumom o potpori („Support Agreement”) između (sada) HETA-e i HYPO ALPE-ADRIA (JERSEY) II Limited od 7. listopada 2004., uključujući dodatke, u pogledu „EUR 150 000 000 Fixed/Floating Rate Non-Cumulative Non-Voting Preferred Securities issued by Hypo Alpe-Adria (Jersey) II Limited”.
A HETA fizetési kötelezettségei a „EUR 150,000,000 Fixed/Floating Rate Non-Cumulative Non-Voting Preferred Securities issued by Hypo Alpe-Adria (Jersey) II Limited” értékpapír-sorozat tárgyában a (most már) HETA és a HYPO ALPE-ADRIA (JERSEY) Limited között 2004. október 7-én létrejött támogatási megállapodásból (Support Agreement) és annak módosításaiból eredően vagy azzal összefüggésben.
Impegni di pagamento di HETA conseguenti o collegati al Support Agreement concluso tra (ora) HETA e HYPO ALPE-ADRIA (JERSEY) II Limited del 7 ottobre 2004 e successive integrazioni, relativo a «EUR 150 000 000 Fixed/Floating Rate Non-Cumulative Non-Voting Preferred Securities issued by Hypo Alpe-Adria (Jersey) II Limited».
HETA mokėjimo įsipareigojimai pagal 2004 m. spalio 7 d. paramos sutartį (arba su ja susiję) su papildymais, kurią sudarė (dabar) HETA ir HYPO ALPE-ADRIA (JERSEY) II Limited dėl „EUR 150 000 000 Fixed/Floating Rate Non-Cumulative Non-Voting Preferred Securities issued by Hypo Alpe-Adria (Jersey) II Limited“.
HETA maksājuma saistības, kas izriet no vai ir saistītas ar 2004. gada 7. oktobra atbalsta līgumu starp (tagad) HETA un HYPO ALPE-ADRIA (JERSEY) II Limited par “EUR 150 000 000 Fixed/Floating Rate Non-Cumulative Non-Voting Preferred Securities issued by Hypo Alpe-Adria (Jersey) II Limited” un tā papildinājumiem.
L-obbligazzjonijiet ta’ pagament ta’ HETA minn jew f’konnessjoni mal-Ftehim ta’ Appoġġ bejn (issa) HETA u HYPO ALPE-ADRIA (JERSEY) II Limited tas-7 ta’ Ottubru 2004, inkluż l-emendi, li jikkonċernaw il-“EUR 150 000 000 Titoli Privileġġjati Mingħajr Dritt għall-Vot u Mhux Kumulattivi b’Rata Fissa/Varjabbli maħruġa minn Hypo Alpe-Adria (Jersey) II Limited”.
Betalingsverplichtingen van HETA uit of in verband met de Support Agreement tussen (voortaan) HETA en Hypo Alpe-Adria (Jersey) II Limited van 7 oktober 2004, met aanvullingen, betreffende de „EUR 150 000 000 Fixed/Floating Rate Non-Cumulative Non-Voting Preferred Securities issued by Hypo Alpe-Adria (Jersey) II Limited”.
Zobowiązania płatnicze HETA z tytułu porozumienia, lub w związku z porozumieniem, „Support Agreement” między (obecnie) HETA i HYPO ALPE-ADRIA (JERSEY) II Limited z dnia 7 października 2004 r. i jego uzupełnieniami dotyczącego „EUR 150 000 000 Fixed/Floating Rate Non-Cumulative Non-Voting Preferred Securities issued by Hypo Alpe-Adria (Jersey) II Limited”.
Obrigações de pagamento da HETA decorrentes ou ligadas ao Support Agreement entre a (doravante) HETA e a Hypo Alpe-Adria (Jersey) Limited de 7 de outubro de 2004, incluindo aditamentos, referentes aos «EUR 150 000 000 Fixed/Floating Rate Non-Cumulative Non-Voting Preferred Securities issued by Hypo Alpe-Adria (Jersey) II Limited».
Obligații de plată ale HETA care rezultă din contractul de sprijin (Support Agreement) încheiat la 7 octombrie 2004 între (de acum înainte) HETA și HYPO ALPE-ADRIA (JERSEY) II Limited și din actele adiționale la acesta, cu privire la „EUR 150 000 000 Fixed/Floating Rate Non-Cumulative Non-Voting Preferred Securities issued by Hypo Alpe-Adria (Jersey) II Limited”, sau care au legătură cu acesta.
Platobné záväzky spoločnosti HETA vyplývajúce zo alebo v súvislosti s dohodou o podpore medzi spoločnosťou (v súčasnosti) HETA a spoločnosťou HYPO ALPE-ADRIA (JERSEY) II Limited zo 7. októbra 2004 vrátane dodatkov týkajúcich sa „EUR 150 000 000 Fixed/Floating Rate Non-Cumulative Non-Voting Preferred Securities issued by Hypo Alpe-Adria (Jersey) II Limited“.
Plačilne obveznosti podjetja HETA iz pogodbe o zagotovitvi podpore ali v zvezi s to pogodbo z dne 7. oktobra 2004, ki sta jo sklenila (zdaj) podjetje HETA in HYPO ALPE-ADRIA (JERSEY) II Limited, skupaj z dopolnilnimi sporazumi v zvezi z nekumulativnimi preferenčnimi vrednostnimi papirji brez glasovalne pravice s fiksno/variabilno obrestno mero, ki jih je izdal Hypo Alpe-Adria (Jersey) II Limited, EUR 150 000 000 Fixed/Floating Rate Non-Cumulative Non-Voting Preferred Securities issued by Hypo Alpe-Adria (Jersey) II Limited.
HETA:s betalningsskyldigheter i samband med supportavtalet mellan (numera) HETA och Hypo Alpe-Adria (Jersey) II Limited från den 7 oktober 2004 jämte tillägg avseende ”EUR 150 000 000 Fixed/Floating Rate Non-Cumulative Non-Voting Preferred Securities issued by Hypo Alpe-Adria (Jersey) II Limited”.


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