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Author: WikiMatrix


As further testimony to the latter, Jacob Burckhardt described his recreational activities as follows: "Besides hunting, which he practiced regardless of all rights of property, his pleasures were of two kinds: he liked to have his opponents near him, either alive in well-guarded prisons, or dead and embalmed, dressed in the costume which they wore in their lifetime."
Sebagai kesaksian lebih lanjut untuk yang terakhir, Jacob Burckhardt menggambarkan kegiatan rekreasinya sebagai berikut: "Selain berburu, yang ia latih tanpa mempedulikan semua hak milik, kesenangannya ada dua macam: ia suka memiliki lawan-lawannya di dekatnya, baik hidup dengan baik. penjara yang dijaga, atau mati dan dibalsem, mengenakan kostum yang mereka kenakan selama hidup mereka."


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