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Author: WikiMatrix


This lack of ideological consistency is further underscored by the fact that during the Civil War the government forces, despite being allied to the Costa Rican communists, enjoyed the support of right-wing Nicaraguan dictator Anastasio Somoza, while Figueres's rebels, who as anti-communists were tacitly supported by the United States, received significant aid from leftist Guatemalan president Juan José Arévalo.
Den här bristen på ideologiskt sammanhang understryks än mer av det faktum att regeringsstyrkorna under inbördeskriget, trots att de var allierade med de costaricanska kommunisterna, fick stöd av den nicaraguanska diktatorn Anastasio Somoza, medan Figueres rebeller, som i egenskap av antikommunister fick stöd av USA, även fick avsevärt stöd från den guatemalanske presidenten Juan José Arévalo.


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