Besonderhede van voorbeeld: -5948218997119173166


Author: WikiMatrix


The plot follows Zak (full name Francis Zachary McKracken), a writer for the National Inquisitor, a tabloid newspaper (the name is a thinly veiled allusion to the National Enquirer); Annie Larris, a freelance scientist; along with Melissa China and Leslie Bennett, two Yale University coed students, in their attempt to prevent the nefarious alien Caponians (who have taken over "The Phone Company", an amalgamation of various telecommunication companies around the world) from slowly reducing the intelligence of everybody on Earth by emitting a 60 Hz "hum" from their "Mind Bending Machine".
Protagonista Zak (izen osoa, Francis Zachary McKracken) National Inquisitor izeneko egunkari bateko kazetari gaztea da (benetazko National Enquirer egunkarian arinki oinarritua); beste pertsonaia nagusiak: Annie Larris, freelance zientzialaria; Melissa China eta Leslie Bennett, Yale unibertsitateko ikasleak, bai eta Caponiar estralurtarrak ("Telefono Konpainia" delakoaz jabetuko dira, munduko telekomunikazio konpainiez osatutako taldea), hauek beren "Burmuin-Tolestatzaile Makina" delakoaren bitartez Lurrean 60 Hz-ko seinalea aireratu eta gizakiak menperatzen saiatuko dira, eta Skolariarrak, beste antzinako estralurtar arraza.


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