Besonderhede van voorbeeld: -6042049512260660773


Author: Europarl8


Mr Santer, I do not know if you are a father or grandfather - and I hope that you are - but I would ask you to consider, leaving aside purely commercial considerations, what kind of planet we are bequeathing to our children. Do you not believe that the time has come for us to have the courage to make a U-turn, to start to give priority to people and their future, rather than to a handful of economic and financial interests?
Señor Santer, no sé si es usted padre o abuelo (algo que le deseo), pero le pediría que considerara, por encima de intereses puramente mercantiles, ¿qué planeta vamos a dejar en herencia a nuestros hijos?¿No cree que ha llegado el momento de ser valiente, de atreverse a dar un giro de 180 grados, de forma que se conceda primacía al hombre y a su porvenir en lugar de a algunos intereses financieros o monetarios?


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