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(1) Директива 2008/68/EО относно вътрешния превоз на опасни товари съдържа правила относно вътрешния превоз на опасни товари, включително радиоактивни материали, посредством автомобилен, железопътен и вътрешноводен транспорт; Обосновка Разпоредбите относно превода на радиоактивни стоки понастоящем се съдържат в Директива 2008/68/EО относно вътрешния превоз на опасни товари, основана на Договора.
(1) Směrnice 2008/68/ES o pozemní přepravě nebezpečných věcí stanoví pravidla týkající se pozemní přepravy nebezpečných věcí, včetně radioaktivních materiálů, v oblasti přepravy po silnici, železnici a vnitrozemských vodních cestách; Odůvodnění Ustanovení týkající se přepravy radioaktivních látek jsou v současnosti uvedena ve směrnici 2008/68/ES o pozemní přepravě nebezpečných věcí založené na Smlouvě.
(1) Direktiv 2008/68/EF om indlandstransport af farligt gods fastsætter forskrifter for indlandstransport af farligt gods, herunder radioaktive materialer, ad vej, med jernbane eller ad indre vandveje. Begrundelse Provisions concerning transports of radioactive goods are currently laid down in Directive 2008/68/EC on the inland transport of dangerous goods, based on the Treaty.
(1) In der Richtlinie 2008/68/EG sind Vorschriften für die Beförderung gefährlicher Güter einschließlich radioaktiven Materials im Binnenland im Straßen- und Eisenbahnverkehr und in der Binnenschifffahrt festgelegt. Begründung Provisions concerning transports of radioactive goods are currently laid down in Directive 2008/68/EC on the inland transport of dangerous goods, based on the Treaty.
(1) Η οδηγία 2008/68/ΕΚ σχετικά με τις εσωτερικές μεταφορές επικίνδυνων εμπορευμάτων ορίζει κανόνες σχετικά με τις εσωτερικές μεταφορές επικίνδυνων εμπορευμάτων, συμπεριλαμβανομένων των ραδιενεργών υλικών, για οδικές, σιδηροδρομικές και εσωτερικές πλωτές μεταφορές. Αιτιολόγηση Οι διατάξεις που αφορούν τις μεταφορές ραδιενεργών προϊόντων θεσπίζονται επί του παρόντος στην οδηγία 2008/68/EΚ για τις εσωτερικές μεταφορές επικίνδυνων προϊόντων, με βάση τη Συνθήκη.
(1) Directive 2008/68/EC on the inland transport of dangerous goods lays down rules on the inland transport of dangerous goods, including radioactive materials, for road, rail and inland waterway transport; Justification Provisions concerning transports of radioactive goods are currently laid down in Directive 2008/68/EC on the inland transport of dangerous goods, based on the Treaty.
(1) La Directiva 2008/68/CE sobre el transporte terrestre de mercancías peligrosas contiene diversas disposiciones sobre este tipo de transporte (por carretera, ferrocarril o vías navegables interiores), incluidos los materiales radiactivos; Justificación Provisions concerning transports of radioactive goods are currently laid down in Directive 2008/68/EC on the inland transport of dangerous goods, based on the Treaty.
(1) Direktiivis 2008/68/EÜ ohtlike kaupade siseveo kohta sätestatakse eeskirjad ohtlike kaupade, sealhulgas radioaktiivsete materjalide veoks maanteel, raudteel ja siseveeteedel. Selgitus Radioaktiivsete kaupade transporti käsitlevad sätted on praegu aluslepingu alusel sätestatud direktiivis 2008/68/EÜ ohtlike kaupade siseveo kohta.
(1) Vaarallisten aineiden sisämaakuljetuksista annetussa direktiivissä 2008/68/EY säädetään vaarallisten – ja myös radioaktiivisten – aineiden sisämaakuljetuksista tie-, raide- ja sisävesiliikenteen osalta. Perustelu Provisions concerning transports of radioactive goods are currently laid down in Directive 2008/68/EC on the inland transport of dangerous goods, based on the Treaty.
(1) La directive 2008/68/CE relative au transport intérieur des marchandises dangereuses établit des règles concernant le transport intérieur des marchandises dangereuses, y compris des matières radioactives, que ce soit par la route, le rail ou les voies de navigation intérieures. Justification Provisions concerning transports of radioactive goods are currently laid down in Directive 2008/68/EC on the inland transport of dangerous goods, based on the Treaty.
(1) La direttiva 2008/68/CE relativa al trasporto interno di merci pericolose stabilisce le norme riguardanti il trasporto interno di merci pericolose, compresi i materiali radioattivi, su strada, per ferrovia o per via navigabile interna; Motivazione Le disposizioni relative al trasporto di materiali radioattivi sono attualmente fissate dalla direttiva 2008/68/CE relativa al trasporto interno di merci pericolose, sulla base del trattato.
(1) Direktīvā 2008/68/EK par bīstamo kravu iekšzemes pārvadājumiem paredzēti noteikumi par bīstamo kravu, tostarp radioaktīvo materiālu, iekšzemes pārvadājumiem pa autoceļiem, dzelzceļu un iekšējiem ūdensceļiem. Pamatojums Provisions concerning transports of radioactive goods are currently laid down in Directive 2008/68/EC on the inland transport of dangerous goods, based on the Treaty.
(1) Id-Direttiva 2008/68/KE dwar it-trasport intern ta’ oġġetti perikolużi tistabbilixxi regoli dwar it-trasport intern ta’ oġġetti perikolużi, inklużi l-materjali radjuattivi, għat-trasport bit-triq, bil-ferrovija u fuq il-passaġġi tal-ilma interni; Ġustifikazzjoni Provisions concerning transports of radioactive goods are currently laid down in Directive 2008/68/EC on the inland transport of dangerous goods, based on the Treaty.
(1) In Richtlijn 2008/68/EG betreffende het vervoer van gevaarlijke goederen over land worden regels voor het vervoer over land van gevaarlijke goederen, inclusief radioactief materiaal, vastgesteld, zowel voor het vervoer over de weg als voor het vervoer per spoor of over de binnenwateren. Motivering De huidige bepalingen betreffende het vervoer van radioactief materiaal zijn vastgelegd in Richtlijn 2008/68/EG betreffende het vervoer van gevaarlijke goederen over land, overeenkomstig het Verdrag.
(1) Dyrektywa 2008/68/WE w sprawie transportu lądowego towarów niebezpiecznych określa zasady transportu lądowego towarów niebezpiecznych, w tym materiałów promieniotwórczych, w odniesieniu do transportu drogowego, kolejowego i transportu wodnego śródlądowego. Uzasadnienie Provisions concerning transports of radioactive goods are currently laid down in Directive 2008/68/EC on the inland transport of dangerous goods, based on the Treaty.
(1) A Diretiva 2008/68/CE, relativa ao transporte terrestre de mercadorias perigosas, estabelece regras aplicáveis ao transporte terrestre de mercadorias perigosas, incluindo os materiais radioativos, por estrada, caminhos-de-ferro ou vias navegáveis interiores; Justificação Provisions concerning transports of radioactive goods are currently laid down in Directive 2008/68/EC on the inland transport of dangerous goods, based on the Treaty.
(1) Directiva 2008/68/CE privind transportul interior de mărfuri periculoase stabilește normele referitoare la transportul interior de mărfuri periculoase, inclusiv de materiale radioactive, pentru transportul rutier, feroviar și naval pe căi navigabile interioare; Justificare Provisions concerning transports of radioactive goods are currently laid down in Directive 2008/68/EC on the inland transport of dangerous goods, based on the Treaty.
(1) Smernica 2008/68/ES o vnútrozemskej preprave nebezpečného tovaru stanovuje pravidlá vnútrozemskej prepravy nebezpečného tovaru vrátane rádioaktívnych materiálov a prepravy cestnou, železničnou a vnútrozemskou vodnou dopravou; Odôvodnenie Provisions concerning transports of radioactive goods are currently laid down in Directive 2008/68/EC on the inland transport of dangerous goods, based on the Treaty.
(1) Direktiva 2008/68/ES o notranjem prevozu nevarnega blaga določa pravila za notranji prevoz nevarnega blaga, vključno z radioaktivnimi snovmi, v cestnem in železniškem prometu ter prometu po celinskih plovnih poteh. Obrazložitev Provisions concerning transports of radioactive goods are currently laid down in Directive 2008/68/EC on the inland transport of dangerous goods, based on the Treaty.
(1) I direktiv 2008/68/EG om transport av farligt gods på väg, järnväg och inre vattenvägar fastställs regler för transport av farligt gods, däribland radioaktivt material, på väg, järnväg och inre vattenvägar. Motivering Provisions concerning transports of radioactive goods are currently laid down in Directive 2008/68/EC on the inland transport of dangerous goods, based on the Treaty.


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