Besonderhede van voorbeeld: -6192714062189388407


Author: Bianet


“I was in the hospital while there were the rumors circulating that the station was going to be shut down and that the police were about to arrive. On one side there was the closing down of the channel, on the other there was the death of my mother-in-law... One after another. Afterwards, I did not even have the strength to look for a job. As a matter of fact, I did not have the hope to find one. All the places I could have worked for were shut down. Then I had to go back to my hometown of Bandırma.
Kurdish Kurmanji[ku]
“Ez li nexweşxaneyê bûm. Agahî hat ku wê televizyon were girtin û polîs wê biavêje ser kanalê.Li aliyek girtina kanalê li aliye din mirina xwesiya min... Hemû bi ser hev de hat. Piştre taqeta min nema ku ez ji xwe re kar jî bigerim. Ji xwe ti hêvaya min nebû ku ez karek peyda bikim. Hemû cihên kum in dikarî ez lê bixebitim, hatin girtin. Li ser vê yekê ez neçar mam û vegeriyam memlekete xwe Bandirmayê.”


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