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In the philosophy of science, the term scientism frequently implies a critique of the more extreme expressions of logical positivism and has been used by social scientists such as Friedrich Hayek, philosophers of science such as Karl Popper, and philosophers such as Hilary Putnam and Tzvetan Todorov to describe (for example) the dogmatic endorsement of scientific methodology and the reduction of all knowledge to only that which is measured or confirmatory.
Istilah ini biasanya digunakan sebagai kritik terhadap positivisme logika ekstrem dan telah digunakan oleh beberapa tokoh seperti ilmuwan sosial Friedrich Hayek, filsuf sains Karl Popper, dan filsuf Hilary Putnam dan Tzvetan Todorov untuk mendeskripsikan sokongan dogmatik terhadap metodologi sains dan pereduksian pengetahuan menjadi hal-hal yang dapat diukur saja.


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