Besonderhede van voorbeeld: -6271629142955663634


Author: latin-ancient


Caesar perceived that his ranks were in danger of being broken by this new way of fighting, for our foot, in pursuing the enemy's horse, having advanced a considerable way beyond their colors, were wounded in the flank by the nearest Numidian darts, while the enemy's horse easily escaped our infantry's javelins by flight; he therefore gave express orders that no soldier should advance above four feet beyond the ensigns.
Caesar novo genere pugnae oblato cum animum adverteret ordines suorum in procurrendo turbari--pedites enim, dum equites longius ab signis persequuntur, latere nudato a proximis Numidis iaculis vulnerabantur, equites autem hostium pilum militis cursu facile vitabant--edicit per ordines nequis miles ab signis IIII pedes longius procederet.


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