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The invasion had created an Anglo-Norman elite, many with estates spread across both sides of the English Channel.[5] These barons typically had close links to the kingdom of France, which was then a loose collection of counties and smaller polities, under only the minimal control of the king.[6] Her mother Matilda was the daughter of King Malcolm III of Scotland, a member of the West Saxon royal family, and a descendant of Alfred the Great.[7] For Henry, marrying Matilda of Scotland had given his reign increased legitimacy, and for her it had been an opportunity for high status and power in England.[8]
La invasión había creado una élite anglonormanda, muchas con propiedades que se extendían a ambos lados del canal de la Mancha.[3][4] Estos barones solían tener fuertes vínculos con el Reino de Francia, que en ese entonces constituía un grupo de condados y entidades políticas más pequeñas bajo escaso control del rey.[5] La madre de Enrique, Matilde de Flandes, era nieta del rey francés Roberto II y, probablemente, nombró a su hijo por su tío, Enrique I.[6]


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