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60– K velmi volnému výkladu této podmínky, který nicméně znění bodu 107 uvedeného rozsudku příliš nepodporuje, viz Lenaerts, K., „Direct applicability and direct effect of international law in the EU legal order“, zveřejněno v Govaere, I., Lannon, E., van Elsuwege, P., a Adam, S. (eds.), The European Union in the World: Essays in Honour of Marc Maresceau, Brill, Leyde, 2013, s. 45 až 64, viz s.
60 For a more flexible reading of that condition, but one that is not really supported by the wording of paragraph 107 of that judgment, see Lenaerts, K., ‘Direct applicability and direct effect of international law in the EU legal order’, published in Govaere, I., Lannon, E., van Elsuwege, P., and Adam, S., (eds), The European Union in the World:Essays in Honour of Marc Maresceau, Brill, Leiden, 2013, pp. 45 to 64, especially p.
60 Para una lectura muy flexible de dicho requisito, aunque no coincida exactamente con el tenor del apartado 107 de dicha sentencia, véase Lenaerts, K., «Direct applicability and direct effect of internacional law in the EU legal order», publicado en Govaere, I., Lannon, E., van Elsuwege, P., y Adam, S. (eds.), The European Union in the World: Essays in Honour of Marc Maresceau, Brill, Leiden, 2013, pp. 45 a 64, especialmente p.
60 Pour une lecture très flexible de cette condition mais pas vraiment soutenue par le libellé du point 107 dudit arrêt, voir Lenaerts, K., « Direct applicability and direct effect of international law in the EU legal order », publié dans Govaere, I., Lannon, E., van Elsuwege, P., et Adam, S. (eds), The European Union in the World: Essays in Honour of Marc Maresceau, Brill, Leyde, 2013, p. 45 à 64, spéc. p.
60 Per un’interpretazione particolarmente flessibile di tale condizione ma non effettivamente suffragata dal testo del punto 107 di detta sentenza, v. Lenaerts, K., «Direct applicability and direct effect of international law in the EU legal order» pubblicato in Govaere, I., Lannon, E., van Elsuwege, P., e Adam, S. (a cura di), The European Union in the World:Essays in Honour of Marc Maresceau, Brill, Leida, 2013, pagg. da 45 a 64, in particolare pag.
60 Għal qari flessibbli ferm ta’ din il-kundizzjoni iżda mhux daqstant sostnut mill-kliem tal-punt 107 tal-imsemmija sentenza, ara Lenaerts, K., “Direct applicability and direct effect of international law in the EU legal order” ippubblikat f’Govaere, I., Lannon, E., van Elsuwege, P. u Adam, S. (edituri), The European Union in the World:Essays in Honour of Marc Maresceau, Brill, Leyde 2013, p. 45 sa 64, speċjalment p.
60 Voor een zeer soepele lezing van die voorwaarde, die evenwel niet echt door de bewoordingen van punt 107 van het betrokken arrest wordt ondersteund, zie Lenaerts, K., „Direct applicability and direct effect of international law in the EU legal order”, gepubliceerd in Govaere, I., Lannon, E., van Elsuwege, P., en Adam, S. (red.), The European Union in the World: Essays in Honour of Marc Maresceau, Brill, Leiden, 2013, blz. 45‐64, en met name blz.
60 Pentru o interpretare foarte flexibilă a acestei condiții, dar care nu este susținută cu adevărat de textul punctului 107 din hotărârea menționată, a se vedea Lenaerts, K., „Direct applicability and direct effect of international law in the EU legal order”, publicat în Govaere, I., Lannon, E., van Elsuwege, P., și Adam, S. (ed.), The European Union in the World:Essays in Honour of Marc Maresceau, Brill, Leyde, 2013, p. 45-64, în special p.
60 V zvezi z zelo prožnim branjem tega pogoja, ki pa ga besedilo točke 107 navedene sodbe v resnici ne podpira, glej Lenaerts, K., „Direct applicability and direct effect of international law in the EU legal order“, objavljeno v Govaere, I., Lannon, E., van Elsuwege, P., in Adam, S., (ur.), The European Union in the World: Essays in Honour of Marc Maresceau, Brill, Leyde, 2013, str. 45–64, zlasti str.


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