Besonderhede van voorbeeld: -6640698976435193262



Byddai rhoi cyfle i glaf sy'n dioddef gan ganser, a'i anwyliaid, fynegi ei deimladau am y broses o fudd iddynt drwy eu helpu i ymdrin â'r mater yn well a delio â'r driniaeth arteithiol ar brydiau, ond gallai hefyd fod o fudd i bobl eraill sydd â chanser, drwy ddangos iddynt nad ydynt ar eu pen eu hunain.
Allowing a cancer patient and their loved ones an opportunity to express their feelings about the process would not only benefit them by helping them to approach the issue better and deal with the sometimes excruciating treatment, but could also benefit others with cancer, showing them that they are not alone.


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