Besonderhede van voorbeeld: -6754558736041186728


Author: EurLex-2


JCB's svar understreger dens beskyttelse mod grænseoverskridende salg: "Obviously, as the manufacturer, we are anxious to protect our distributors, wherever they are, from unfair competition from whatever source, on all products" (Det er klart, at vi som fabrikanter ønsker at beskytte vore forhandlere, uanset hvor de befinder sig, mod illoyal konkurrence fra en hvilken som helst kilde i forbindelse med alle produkter)(104).
In der Antwort von JCB wird sein Schutz vor grenzüberschreitenden Verkäufen wie folgt dargestellt: "Obviously, as the manufacturer, we are anxious to protect our distributors, wherever they are, from unfair competition from whatever source, on all products" (Wir als Hersteller möchten unsere Vertriebshändler, wo auch immer sich diese befinden, natürlich vor jeglicher Form des unlauteren Wettbewerbs bei allen Produkten schützen.)( 104).
Η JCB στην απάντησή της υπογραμμίζει ως εξής την προστασία της από τις διασυνοριακές πωλήσεις: "Obviously, as the manufacturer, we are anxious to protect our distributors, wherever they are, from unfair competition from whatever source, on all products" ["Ασφαλώς, ως κατασκευάστρια εταιρεία, μέλημά μας είναι να προστατεύσουμε τους διανομείς μας, οπουδήποτε και αν βρίσκονται από τον αθέμιτο ανταγωνισμό από οποιαδήποτε πηγή, για όλα τα προϊόντα"](104).
JCB's reply stresses its protection from cross-border sales as follows: "Obviously, as the manufacturer, we are anxious to protect our distributors, wherever they are, from unfair competition from whatever source, on all products"(104).
La respuesta de JCB subraya su protección contra las ventas transfronterizas del siguiente modo: "Obviously, as the manufacturer, we are anxious to protect our distributors, wherever they are, from unfair competition from whatever source, on all products" ("Obviamente, como fabricante, estamos impacientes por proteger a nuestros distribuidores, dondequiera que se encuentren, frente a la competencia desleal, cualquiera que sea el origen y en todos los productos")(104).
JCB:n vastauksessa todetaan seuraavaa rajatylittävältä kaupalta suojelusta: "Obviously, as the manufacturer, we are anxious to protect our distributors, wherever they are, from unfair competition from whatever source, on all products" (On selvää, että valmistajana pyrimme kaikin tavoin suojelemaan jakelijoitamme niiden sijaintipaikasta riippumatta mistä tahansa lähteestä tulevalta epäterveeltä kilpailulta)(104).
La réponse de JCB souligne sa protection contre les ventes transfrontalières en ces termes: "Obviously, as the manufacturer, we are anxious to protect our distributors, wherever they are, from unfair competition from whatever source, on all products" ("Il va de soi que, en notre qualité de constructeur, nous avons à coeur de protéger nos concessionnaires, où qu'ils soient, contre la concurrence déloyale de quelque origine qu'elle soit, sur tous les produits")(104).
La risposta di JCB sottolinea la sua protezione dalle vendite transfrontaliere: "Obviously, as the manufacturer, we are anxious to protect our distributores, wherever they are, from unfair competition from whatever source, on all products" (Ovviamente, come casa costruttrice, ci preoccupiamo di proteggere i nostri distributori, ovunque si trovino, dalla concorrenza sleale esercitata da qualunque fonte, su tutti i prodotti)(104).
In het antwoord van JCB wordt als volgt de nadruk gelegd op de door haar geboden bescherming tegen grensoverschrijdende verkopen: "Obviously, as the manufacturer, we are anxious to protect our distributors, wherever they are, from unfair competition from whatever source, on all products" ("Uiteraard willen wij als producent onze distributeurs, waar dan ook, beschermen tegen oneerlijke concurrentie uit om het even welke bron, voor alle producten")(104).
A resposta da JCB realça a sua protecção das vendas transfronteiras do seguinte modo: "Obviously, as the manufacturer, we are anxious to protect our distributors, wherever they are, from unfair competition from whatever source, on all products" ("É óbvio que, enquanto fabricantes, queremos proteger os nossos distribuidores, sejam eles quem forem, da concorrência desleal de qualquer fonte, relativamente a todos os produtos")(104).
I JCB:s svar betonas skyddet mot gränsöveskridande försäljning på följande sätt: "Obviously, as the anufacturer, we are anxious to protect our distributors, wherever they are, from unfair competition from whatever source, on all products" (I egenskap av tillverkare är vi naturligtvis angelägna om att skydda våra distributörer, oavsett var de befinner sig, mot illojal konkurrens från alla inköpskällor och i fråga om alla produkter)(104).


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