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Senior pastor of megachurch The Potter's House in Dallas, Jakes took thousands of Christians "back to the Bible" during a three-day conference over the weekend, urging believers to realise that now is the time to re-commit to Jesus Christ. "It is because of the state of this world - natural disasters, personal failures, a sagging economy, injustices, and more - that we need to get back to the Bible," said Jakes, who was dubbed one of the country's 25 most influential evangelicals by Time magazine in 2005. "We need to go back to relying on the real, proven Word of God to draw strength from it, and to use it as our guide for day-to-day living.” Jakes and other speakers at the weekend event conveyed a message that "now is the time for believers to hang on to God because that is the only way to survival", according to Ann Fields, media relations specialist at The Potter's House.
Nilikuwa Zanzibar kwa siku 2,3 hivi na jumapili nilipata Neema ya kuabudu katika kanisa la TAG Kariakoo hapo Zanzibar.Kwa kweli nilivyokuwa naifikira Zanzibar ilivyo ni tofauti kabisa.Kwanza nilidhani nitakuta kakanisa kadogo kabisa kwa namna tulivyozoea kuona makanisa ya vijijini.Lakini nilishangaa sana kukuta kanisa kubwa kabisa la TAG lililopo hapo Zanzibar katika kati ya mji likiwa nawashirika kwa haraka haraka kama 600 au 800 hivi.Kwa kweli wakrsito wa Zanzibar wamenibariki sana kwani watu wako serious na Mungu,uimbaji wa kumtukuza Mungu na sio wa maonyesho na usanii.Mahubiri ya kumjenga mkristo na kumfanya awe mwanafunzi na sio mahubiri ya maonyesho na mbwembwe.Kwa kweli kila kitu kilinibariki.Mungu ambariki sana Mch. wa kanisa hilo Pastor Kadanga.


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