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Author: LDS


Сатана ще бъде вързан чрез силата Божия; но също и чрез решимостта на Божия народ да не го слуша, да не бъде воден от него“ (Gospel Truth: Discourses and Writings of President George Q.
Satan vil blive bundet af Guds magt, men han vil også blive bundet af den beslutning, som Guds folk vil træffe om ikke at lytte til ham og om ikke at blive ledt af ham« (Gospel Truth: Discourses and Writings of President George Q.
Satan will be bound by the power of God; but he will be bound also by the determination of the people of God not to listen to him, not to be governed by him” (Gospel Truth: Discourses and Writings of President George Q.
Satanás será atado por el poder de Dios; pero será también atado por la determinación que tendrá el pueblo de Dios de no escucharlo ni dejarse gobernar por él” (Gospel Truth: Discourses and Writings of President George Q.
Satan sera lié par le pouvoir de Dieu ; mais il sera aussi lié par la détermination du peuple de Dieu de ne pas l’écouter, de ne pas se laisser diriger par lui » (Gospel Truth : Discourses and Writings of President George Q.
Sotona će biti svezan moću Božjom; ali on će također biti svezan odlučnošću naroda Božjeg da ga ne sluša, da on ne vlada njime« (Gospel Truth: Discourses and Writings of President George Q.
Sátánt Isten hatalma fogja megkötözni; azonban Isten népének azon eltökéltsége is megkötözi majd őt, hogy nem hallgatnak rá, és nem hagyják, hogy uralkodjon rajtuk” (Gospel Truth: Discourses and Writings of President George Q.
Setan akan diikat oleh kuasa Allah; namun dia juga akan diikat oleh kebulatan tekad umat Allah untuk tidak mendengarkan dia, untuk tidak diperintah oleh dia” (Gospel Truth: Discourses and Writings of President George Q.
Satana sarà legato dal potere di Dio, ma anche dalla determinazione del popolo di Dio a non ascoltarlo e a non essere governato da lui” (Gospel Truth: Discourses and Writings of President George Q.
사탄은 하나님의 권능으로 결박될 것이지만, 또한 하나님의 백성이 그의 말을 듣지 않겠다는 결심, 그의 지배를 받지 않겠다는 결심으로도 결박될 것입니다.”( Gospel Truth: Discourses and Writings of President George Q.
Jis bus surištas Dievo galia; bet jį taip pat suriš Dievo žmonių ryžtas nesiklausyti jo ir nebūti jo valdomiems“ (Gospel Truth: Discourses and Writings of President George Q.
Sātans tiks sasiets ar Dieva spēku; taču viņš tiks sasiets arī ar Dieva ļaužu apņēmību — neklausīt viņam, nepakļauties viņa vadībai” (Gospel Truth: Discourses and Writings of President George Q.
Сатан Бурханы хүчээр хүлэгдэх болно; гэхдээ тэр бас түүнийг сонсдоггүй мөн түүгээр удирдуулдаггүй Бурханы хүмүүсийн шийдэмгий байдлаар хүлэгддэг” гэж тайлбарлажээ (Gospel Truth: Discourses and Writings of President George Q.
Szatan będzie związany mocą Boga, ale będzie też związany determinacją ludu Boga, który to lud nie będzie go słuchać, nie będzie pod jego rządami” (Gospel Truth: Discourses and Writings of President George Q.
Satanás será amarrado pelo poder de Deus; mas ele também será amarrado pela determinação do povo de Deus em não dar ouvidos a ele e em não se deixar ser governado por ele” (Gospel Truth: Discourses and Writings of President George Q.
Satana va fi legat prin puterea lui Dumnezeu; dar, de asemenea, va fi legat prin hotărârea poporului lui Dumnezeu de a nu-l asculta, de a nu fi guvernaţi de el” (Gospel Truth: Discourses and Writings of President George Q.
Сатана будет связан силой Божьей; но он будет также связан решимостью народа Божьего не слушаться его, не поддаваться ему» (Gospel Truth: Discourses and Writings of President George Q.
O le a saisaitia Satani e le mana o le Atua; ae o le a saisaitia foi o ia i le naunautaiga o tagata o le Atua ia le faalogo atu ia te ia, ia le puleaina e ia“ (Gospel Truth: Discourses and Writings of President George Q.
Satan ska bindas genom Guds makt men också genom Guds folks beslutsamhet att inte lyssna på honom, att inte låta sig styras av honom” (Gospel Truth: Discourses and Writings of President George Q.
Si Satanas ay igagapos ng kapangyarihan ng Diyos; ngunit siya rin ay igagapos ng determinasyon ng mga tao ng Diyos na huwag siyang pakinggan, hindi magpasakop sa kanya” (Gospel Truth: Discourses and Writings of President George Q.
ʻE haʻi ʻa Sētane ʻaki e mālohi ʻo e ʻOtuá; ka ʻe toe haʻi foki ia ʻi he fili e kakai ʻo e ʻOtuá ke ʻoua te nau fakafanongo kiate iá, ke ʻoua te ne puleʻi kinautolú” (Gospel Truth: Discourses and Writings of President George Q.


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