Besonderhede van voorbeeld: -6926407477894081605



John Griffiths : Gyda golwg ar drafodaethau gydag Ysgrifennydd Gwladol Cymru a Llywodraeth y DU ar y gwasanaeth tân a'r anghydfod presennol , a ydych yn cytuno ei bod yn bryd i bobl bwyllo ar bob ochr ? Hefyd , a wnewch chi bwyso ar bob ochr i adael i'r Gwasanaeth Ymgynghorol , Cymodi a Chymrodeddu symud pethau yn eu blaen , heb rethreg ddi-fudd , tuag at setliad sy'n seiliedig ar godiad tâl graddol , sylweddol a haeddiannol ynghyd â moderneiddio arferion gwaith y diffoddwyr tân ?
John Griffiths : With regard to discussions with the Secretary of State for Wales and the UK Government on the fire service and the current dispute , do you agree that it is a time for cool heads on all sides ? Also , will you urge all sides to allow the Advisory , Conciliation and Arbitration Service to move matters , without unhelpful rhetoric , towards a settlement based on a deserved , substantial and phased pay increase and modernisation of firefighters ' working practices ?


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