Besonderhede van voorbeeld: -7179082470187105922


Author: EurLex-2


112 Det referat af et bestyrelsesmoede i Feldmuehle (UK) Ltd den 7. november 1986 (bilag A-17-2), som Kommissionen har henvist til i beslutningen (betragtning 74, tredje afsnit), bekraefter kun, at Feldmuehle's britiske datterselskab inden den 10. november 1986 var bekendt med, at Thames Board Ltd havde annonceret en prisforhoejelse paa ca. 9%: »TBM and the Fins have announced price increases of approximately 9% to be effective from February 1987 and it would appear that most other mills will be looking for the same sort of increase« [»TBM og finnerne har annonceret prisforhoejelser paa ca. 9% med virkning fra februar 1987, og det ser ud til, at de fleste andre virksomheder overvejer en lignende prisforhoejelse«] (bilag A-17-2, gengivet af Kommissionen i beslutningens betragtning 74).
74 Absatz 3) herangezogene Niederschrift einer Vorstandssitzung von Feldmühle (UK) Ltd am 7. November 1986 (Anlage A-17-2) lediglich, daß dieser britischen Tochtergesellschaft von Feldmühle die Ankündigung einer Preiserhöhung um etwa 9 % durch Thames Board Ltd vor dem 10. November 1986 bekannt war: "TBM and the Fins have announced price increases of approximately 9 % to be effective from February 1987 and it would appear that most other mills will be looking for the same sort of increase" ["TBM und die Finnen haben Preiserhöhungen von annähernd 9 % für Februar 1987 angekündigt. Die meisten anderen Werke erwägen offensichtlich eine Preisanhebung im gleichen Umfang."] (Anlage A-17-2, zitiert von der Kommission in Randnr. 74 der Entscheidung).
112 Συναφώς, τα πρακτικά της συνεδριάσεως του διοικητικού συμβουλίου της Feldmόhle (UK) Ltd της 7ης Νοεμβρίου 1986 (παράρτημα A-17-2), τα οποία επικαλείται στην απόφασή της η Επιτροπή (αιτιολογική σκέψη 74, τρίτο εδάφιο), επιβεβαιώνουν απλώς ότι η αναγγελθείσα από την Thames Board Ltd ανατίμηση κατά 9 % περίπου ήταν ήδη γνωστή σ' αυτή τη βρετανική θυγατρική της Feldmόhle πριν από τις 10 Νοεμβρίου 1986: «TBM and the Fins have announced price increases of approximately 9 % to be effective from February 1987 and it would appear that most other mills will be looking for the same sort of increase» [«Η ΤΒΜ και οι Φινλανδοί ανήγγειλαν αυξήσεις τιμών της τάξης του 9 % περίπου, που θα άρχιζαν να ισχύουν από τον Φεβρουάριο του 1987, και φαίνεται ότι οι περισσότερες άλλες χαρτοποιίες θα επιδιώξουν παρόμοια αύξηση»] (παράρτημα A-17-2, που παρατίθεται από την Επιτροπή στην αιτιολογική σκέψη 74).
112 The minutes of a Feldmühle (UK) Ltd board meeting of 7 November 1986 (annex A-17-2), on which the Commission relies in the Decision (third paragraph of point 74), merely confirm that this United Kingdom subsidiary of Feldmühle was aware prior to 10 November 1986 of Thames Board Ltd's announcement of a price increase of approximately 9%: `TBM and the Fins (sic) have announced price increases of approximately 9% to be effective from February 1987 and it would appear that most other mills will be looking for the same sort of increase' [annex A-17-2 cited by the Commission in point 74 of the Decision].
112 Tältä osin Feldmühle (UK) Ltd:n 7.11.1986 pidetyn hallituksen kokouksen pöytäkirja (liite A-17-2), johon komissio on päätöksessä viitannut (74 perustelukappaleen kolmas kohta), ainoastaan vahvistaa, että tämä Feldmühlen englantilainen tytäryhtiö tiesi Thames Board Ltd:n noin 9 prosentin suuruisesta hinnankorotuksesta jo ennen 10.11.1986; pöytäkirjassa todetaan seuraavaa: "TBM and the Fins have announced price increases of approximately 9 % to be effective from February 1987 and it would appear that most other mills will be looking for the same sort of increase" [TBM ja suomalaiset ovat ilmoittaneet helmikuussa 1987 voimaan tulevista noin 9 prosentin suuruisista hinnankorotuksista, ja näyttää siltä, että useimmat muutkin tehtaat suunnittelevat samansuuruista korotusta] (liite A-17-2, jota komissio on lainannut päätöksen 74 perustelukappaleessa).
112 A cet égard, le compte rendu d'une réunion du conseil d'administration de Feldmühle (UK) Ltd tenue le 7 novembre 1986 (annexe A-17-2), invoqué par la Commission dans la décision (point 74, troisième alinéa, des considérants) ne fait que confirmer que l'annonce d'une augmentation de prix d'environ 9 % par Thames Board Ltd était connue de cette filiale britannique de Feldmühle à une date antérieure au 10 novembre 1986: «TBM and the Fins have announced price increases of approximately 9 % to be effective from February 1987 and it would appear that most other mills will be looking for the same sort of increase» («TBM et les Finlandais ont annoncé des augmentations de prix d'environ 9 % applicables à partir du mois de février 1987, et il semble que la plupart des autres fabricants soient prêts à procéder à des hausses du même ordre.») (Annexe A-17-2 citée par la Commission au point 74 des considérants de la décision.)
112 A tale riguardo, il verbale di una riunione del consiglio d'amministrazione della Feldmühle Ltd (Regno Unito) svoltasi il 7 novembre 1986 (allegato A-17-2), citato dalla Commissione nella decisione (punto 74, terzo comma, del preambolo) si limita a confermare che l'annuncio, da parte della Thames Board Ltd, di un aumento dei prezzi del 9% circa era noto alla filiale britannica della Feldmühle già prima del 10 novembre 1986: «TBM and the Fins have announced price increases of approximately 9% to be effective from February 1987 and it would appear that most other mills will be looking for the same sort of increase» [«TBM e i finlandesi hanno annunciato aumenti di prezzo del 9% circa a decorrere dal febbraio 1987 e, a quanto pare, la maggior parte degli altri cartonifici sarebbero propensi ad applicare il medesimo tipo di aumento»] (allegato A-17-2 citato dalla Commissione al punto 74 del preambolo della decisione).
112 Wat dit aangaat, wordt in de notulen van een bijeenkomst van het bestuur van Feldmühle (UK) Ltd van 7 november 1986 (bijlage A-17-2), waarop de Commissie zich in haar beschikking beroept (punt 74, derde alinea, van de considerans), slechts bevestigd dat de aankondiging van een prijsverhoging van ongeveer 9 % door Thames Board Ltd op een datum vóór 10 november 1986 aan deze Britse dochter van Feldmühle bekend was: "TBM and the Fins have announced price increases of approximately 9 % to be effective from February 1987 and it would appear that most other mills will be looking for the same sort of increase" ["TBM en de Finnen hebben prijsverhogingen van circa 9 % per februari 1987 aangekondigd en de meeste andere producenten zullen naar alle waarschijnlijkheid een vergelijkbare verhoging willen toepassen"] (bijlage A-17-2, door de Commissie aangehaald in punt 74 van de considerans van de beschikking).
112 A este propósito, a acta de uma reunião da direcção da Feldmühle (UK) Ltd, de 7 de Novembro de 1986 (anexo A-17-2), invocada pela Comissão na decisão (n._ 74, terceiro parágrafo, dos considerandos), mais não faz do que confirmar que o anúncio de um aumento de preços de cerca de 9%, pela Thames Board Ltd, era do conhecimento desta filial britânica da Feldmühle, antes de 10 de Novembro de 1986: «TBM and the Fins have announced price increases of approximately 9% to be effective from February 1987 and it would appear that most other mills will be looking for the same sort of increase» («A TBM e os finlandeses anunciaram um aumento de preços de aproximadamente 9% que deverá entrar em vigor em Fevereiro de 1987 e, aparentemente, a maior parte das outras empresas prevêem um aumento semelhante») (anexo A-17-2 citado pela Comissão no n._ 74 dos considerandos da decisão).
112 I detta hänseende bekräftar ett protokoll från ett möte med styrelsen för Feldmühle (UK) Ltd den 7 november 1986 (bilaga A-17-2), som åberopats av kommissionen i beslutet (punkt 74 tredje stycket i övervägandena), att Feldmühles brittiska dotterbolag kände till meddelandet om en prishöjning på omkring 9 procent av Thames Board Limited tidigare än den 10 november 1986. "TBM and the Fins have announced price increases of approximately 9 % to be effective from February 1987 and it would appear that most other mills will be looking for the same sort of increase" ("TBM och finländarna har meddelat prishöjningar på omkring 9 procent som kommer att gälla från februari 1987 och det verkar som om de flesta andra bruken kommer att genomföra liknande höjningar") (bilaga A-17-2 citerad av kommissionen i punkt 74 i övervägandena i beslutet).


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