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It no longer matters what they once were in history, but only what they are in truth: “Often, when it is the king or some other monarch or potentate that he (the judge) has to deal with, he finds that there is no soundness in the soul whatever; he finds it scourged and scarred by the various acts of perjury and wrong-doing ...; it is twisted and warped by lies and vanity, and nothing is straight because truth has had no part in its development.
« Tunc ipse [iudex] ante se fortasse [...] alicuius regis vel dominatoris habet animam et nihil in ea videt sani. Eam reperit percussam et cicatricum refertam, quae ex peieratione et iniustitia oriuntur [...] atque omnia sunt detorta et mendaciis insolentiaque plena, et nihil est rectum, quandoquidem illa sine veritate adolevit.
«И вот [...] [судья,] глядя на [...] какого-нибудь царя или властителя, обнаруживает, что нет здорового места в той душе, что вся она иссечена бичом и покрыта рубцами от ложных клятв и несправедливых поступков, [...] вся искривлена ложью и бахвальством, и нет в ней ничего прямого, потому что она никогда не знала истины.


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