Besonderhede van voorbeeld: -7218200287282206447



If you only knew what we have been going through!" Masino let them have their say, then he had his. "In Africa I saw cannibals who ate not men but locusts; in the desert I saw a madman who had let his fingernails grow twelve meters long to dig for water; in the sea I saw a fish with a shoe and a slipper who wanted to be king of the other fish, since no other fish possessed shoe or slipper; in Sicily I saw a woman with seventy sons and only one kettle; in Naples I saw people who walked while standing still, since the chatter of other people kept them going; I saw sinners and I saw saints; I saw fat people and people no bigger than mites; many, many frightened souls did I see, but never so many as here in Pocapaglia."
马西诺先让大家说了个够,然后他开始叙述起来 : " 在非洲我遇到过不吃人只吃蝉的野蛮人;在沙漠我碰到过一个为了挖地下水而留了十二米长的指甲的疯子;在海上我见过一条鱼穿着一只皮鞋和一只拖鞋,它想成为众鱼之王,因为别的鱼既没有穿皮鞋的,也没有穿拖鞋的;在西西里,我认识一位妇女生了七十个儿子,但全家只有一口锅;在那不勒斯,我看见人们停住脚也能往前走,因为别人的闲言碎语太厉害了,变成了一股很大的推力;我还看见过圣人,看见过罪犯,看见过一百公斤重的胖子,也看见过骨瘦如柴的矮子,我见过很多胆小的人,但从没见过像博卡帕利亚人这么胆小的人 。 "


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