Besonderhede van voorbeeld: -7325211533299295219


Author: Bianet


Of course Kurds are making their own news sites, Kurdish news. However, this is another aspect of the matter. What bianet does is to create opportunity for Kurdish alongside its own doings. This is what is supposed to be done. bianet has to be appreciated, but appreciation also is not sufficient, a thank is needed too.
Kurdish Kurmanji[ku]
Bêguman gelê kurd sîte û nûçeyên xwe bi kurdî çêdikin. Lê ev yek di vê meseleyê de aliyek din e. Ya ku bianetê pêk tîne ji xeynî xebatên xwe, bo Kurdî jî fersendek diafirîne. Ev yek pêwist bû. Ji bo vê yekê pîrozkirina bianetê nebes e, divê spasî li wan bê kirin.


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