Besonderhede van voorbeeld: -7330623677714715121


Author: EurLex-2


Допълнителна информация: а) свързан с Афганистански комитет за подкрепа/Afghan Support Committee (ASC) и Общество за възраждане на ислямското наследство (Revival of Islamic Heritage Society (RIHS)). б) гражданско положение: разведен (бивша жена алжирка Manuba Bukifa).
Další informace: a) spojený s Afghan Support Committee (ASC) a Revival of Islamic Heritage Society (RIHS), b) rodinný stav: rozvedený (bývalá manželka Manuba Bukifa z Alžírska).
Andre oplysninger: a) tilsluttet Afghan Support Committee (ASC) og Revival of Islamic Heritage Society (RIHS). b) civilstand: fraskilt (fraskilt algerisk hustru Manuba Bukifa).
Weitere Angaben: (a) verbunden mit dem Afghan Support Committee (ASC) und der Revival of Islamic Heritage Society (RIHS). b) Personenstand: geschieden (Name der algerischen Ex-Frau lautet Manuba Bukifa).
Άλλες πληροφορίες: α) συνδέθηκε με την Afghan Support Committee (ASC) και την Revival of Islamic Heritage Society (RIHS). β) Προσωπική κατάσταση: διαζευγμένος (αλγερινή πρώην σύζυγος Manuba Bukifa).
Other information: (a) Affiliated with Afghan Support Committee (ASC) and Revival of Islamic Heritage Society (RIHS). (b) Civil status: divorced (Algerian ex-wife Manuba Bukifa).
Información adicional: a) miembro del Afghan Support Committee (ASC) y de la Revival of Islamic Heritage Society (RIHS). b) estado civil: divorciado (el nombre de su ex mujer argelina es Manuba Bukifa).
Muu teave: a) seotud Afganistani toetuskomitee ja Islami Pärandi Taaselustamise Ühinguga. b) Perekonnaseis: lahutatud (endine abikaasa alžeerlanna Manuba Bukifa).
Lisätietoja: a) yhteyksiä Afghan Support Committee (ASC)- ja Revival of Islamic Heritage Society (RIHS) -ryhmiin; b) siviilisääty: eronnut (entinen vaimo algerialainen Manuba Bukifa).
Renseignements complémentaires: (a) membre du Comité de soutien afghan (Afghan Support Committee – ASC) et de la «Revival of Islamic Heritage Society» (Renaissance de la société du patrimoine islamique – RIHS); (b) état civil: divorcé (de Manuba Bukifa – algérienne).
Egyéb információ: a) együttműködik az Afghan Support Committee (ASC) és a Revival of Islamic Heritage Society (RIHS) szervezettel. b) családi állapota: elvált (volt felesége az algériai nemzetiségű Manuba Bukifa).
Altre informazioni: (a) membro dell’Afghan Support Committee (ASC) e della Revival of Islamic Heritage Society (RIHS). (b) Stato civile: divorziato (ex moglie algerina Manuba Bukifa).
Kita informacija: a) siejamas su Afghan Support Committee (ASC) ir Revival of Islamic Heritage Society (RIHS); b) šeimyninė padėtis: išsiskyręs (buvusi žmona – alžyrietė Manuba Bukifa).
Papildu informācija: a) saistīts ar Afghan Support Committee (ASC) un Revival of Islamic Heritage Society (RIHS), b) ģimenes stāvoklis: šķīries (bijusī sieva ir alžīriete Manuba Bukifa).
Overige informatie: a) heeft banden met het Afghan Support Committee (ASC) en de Revival of Islamic Heritage Society (RIHS); b) burgerlijke staat: gescheiden (Algerijnse ex-echtgenote Manuba Bukifa).
Dodatkowe informacje: a) członek Afghan Support Committee (ASC) oraz Revival of Islamic Heritage Society (RIHS); b) stan cywilny: rozwiedziony (była żona: Manuba Bukifa, obywatelka Algierii).
Informações suplementares: a) Membro do Comité de Apoio ao Afeganistão (ASC) e da Sociedade da Restauração do Património Islâmico (RIHS), b) Estado civil: divorciado (ex-mulher de nacionalidade argelina, Manuba Bukifa).
Alte informații: (a) afiliat la Comitetul de Susținere Afgan (Afghan Support Committee – ASC) și la Renașterea societății patrimoniului islamic (Revival of Islamic Heritage Society – RIHS); (b) Starea civilă: divorțat (fosta soție algeriană, Manuba Bukifa).
Ďalšie informácie: a) spájaný s organizáciami Afghan Support Committee (ASC) a Revival of Islamic Heritage Society (RIHS), b) stav: rozvedený (bývalá manželka Alžírčanka Manuba Bukifa).
Drugi podatki: (a) povezan z Afghan Support Committee (ASC) in Revival of Islamic Heritage Society (RIHS), (b) civilni status: ločen (bivša žena Manuba Bukifa iz Alžirije).
Övriga upplysningar: a) koppling till Afghan Support Committee (ASC) och Revival of Islamic Heritage Society (RIHS), b) civilstånd: skild (f.d. hustrun är algeriska medborgaren Manuba Bukifa).


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