Besonderhede van voorbeeld: -7496099658618759271


Author: EurLex-2


Der Vorgesetzte gab im übrigen für den Beförderungsvorschlag folgende Begründung: "Mr Barbi has shown in the past good experimental as well as theoretical ability in the field of applied thermodynamics, in particular Electrochemistry and Sensors' Science.
Εξάλλου, ο ιεραρχικώς προϊστάμενος του προσφεύγοντος-ενάγοντος δικαιολογεί ως εξής την πρόταση προαγωγής: "Mr Barbi has shown in the past good experimental as well as theoretical ability in the field of applied thermodynamics, in particular Electrochemistry and Sensors' Science.
Furthermore, the applicant' s superior gives the following justification for the promotion proposal: "Mr Barbi has shown in the past good experimental as well as theoretical ability in the field of applied thermodynamics, in particular Electrochemistry and Sensors' Science.
Además, el superior jerárquico del demandante incluye la siguiente justificación para la propuesta de promoción: "Mr Barbi has shown in the past good experimental as well as theoretical ability in the field of applied thermodynamics, in particular Electrochemistry and Sensors' Science.
En outre, le supérieur hiérarchique du requérant y donne la justification suivante de la proposition de promotion: "Mr Barbi has shown in the past good experimental as well as theoretical ability in the field of applied thermodynamics, in particular Electrochemistry and Sensors' Science.
Inoltre il superiore gerarchico del ricorrente vi attestava, per giustificare la proposta di promozione, quanto segue: "Il sig. Barbi ha dato prova in passato di buone capacità, sia sotto il profilo sperimentale sia sotto quello teorico, nel campo della termodinamica applicata, in particolare nella elettrochimica e nello studio dei sensori.
Bovendien rechtvaardigde verzoekers hierarchiëke meerdere de bevorderingsvoordracht in zijn nota als volgt: "Barbi heeft in het verleden blijk gegeven van een goede praktische en theoretische kennis op het vlak van de toegepaste thermodynamica, vooral inzake elektrochemie en sensoren.


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