Besonderhede van voorbeeld: -7515510431108744564


Author: langbot


We lived now in a street called Penpons. There was, in fact, a bridge over a small stream nearby, and the main road at the end of our street passed over it. From this bridge, in November we boys used to drop lit fireworks into the water below. Before dropping them, we waited for their fuses to burn strongly. Then, when they reached the stream, they went through the water at top speed like torpedoes, before exploding in the distance.
Ni a driga lemmyn yn stret henwys Penpons. Yth esa, yn hwir, pons dres gover byghan yn ogas, ha’n fordh veur esa dhe benn agan stret a dremena dresto. Dhyworth an pons ma, yn mis Du ni mebyon a dhroppya tanweyth enowys y’n dowr a-woles. Kyns aga droppya, ni a worta aga lesken dhe leski yn fen. Ena, pan dhrehedhsons an gover, yth ethons dres an dowr tooth men kepar ha torpedos, kyns tardha y’n pelder.


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