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Although this announcement was something of a disappointment to the apostles, still they saw, at least in part, Jesus’ reason for thus beginning the proclamation of the kingdom, and they started out in good heart and with confident enthusiasm. He sent them forth by twos, James and John going to Kheresa, Andrew and Peter to Capernaum, while Philip and Nathaniel went to Tarichea. 138:1.2 (1538.4) Before they began this first two weeks of service, Jesus announced to them that he desired to ordain twelve apostles to continue the work of the kingdom after his departure and authorized each of them to choose one man from among his early converts for membership in the projected corps of apostles.
Aunque este anuncio fue en cierto modo una desilusión para los apóstoles, veían, por lo menos en parte, la razón de Jesús para comenzar de este modo la proclamación del reino, y las primeras dos semanas de su servicio, Jesús les anunció que deseaba ordenar doce apóstoles para continuar la obra del reino después de su partida, y autorizó a cada uno de ellos para que eligiera entre sus primeros conversos a un hombre para que entrase a formar parte del proyectado cuerpo de los apóstoles.


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