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John, who was in the seat of honor in front of Jesus, leaned back and whispered something to him, and Jesus whispered back., and then a little later, he dipped a piece of bread in the sauce and handed it to Judas: a gesture of particular friendship. But Judas had seen him whisper to John, and instead of interpreting this as friendship and forgiveness, evidently took it as a signal, because his expression changed; he had made up his mind. Jesus saw it, and said, in a voice of resignation, "Do, then, what you were to do; but be quick about it."
老刘同志教育儿子,从来都是不分场合不分地点的,大耳刮子照着刘川的后脑勺就拍了过去,看的一旁的众人都心中了然,原来小刘同志打人的动作,都是老刘同志教导出来的啊。 猴子这会也被人带过来了,脸上很清晰的有个巴掌印子,看的刘川火气又上来了,要不是自家老爹就在面前,他肯定不会善罢甘休。 “行了,在这瞪个眼睛干什么啊,都滚蛋吧,王所长,这件事情希望你们能认真处理,警容警风也要整顿一下了 。 ”


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