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Author: Eurlex2018q4


(553) Показания [вицепрезидент и директор, отговарящ за германския пазар в Amazon Deutschland Services GmbH, Мюнхен, Германия], 13 юни 2014 г., стр. 39, точки 21—25: стр. 40, точки 2—3: „I mean it's, when a management is acquiring selection is the core task of this company here, right?
(553) Písemná výpověď [vice-prezidenta a zemského ředitele pro Německo, Amazon Deutschland Services GmbH, Mnichov, Německo] ze dne 13. června 2014, s. 39, body 21–25, s. 40, body 2–3: „Myslím tím, že když vedení zajišťuje výběr, to je zde hlavním úkolem této společnosti, že?
(553) Κατάθεση [Αντιπροέδρου και Διευθυντή Χώρας για τη Γερμανία, Amazon Deutschland Services GmbH, Μόναχο, Γερμανία], 13 Ιουνίου 2014, σ. 39, σημεία 21-25: σ. 40, σημεία 2-3: «I mean it's, when a management is acquiring selection is the core task of this company here, right?
(553) Deposition [Vice President and Country Manager Germany, Amazon Deutschland Services GmbH, Munich, Germany], 13 June 2014, p. 39, par. 21-25; p. 40, par. 2-3: ‘I mean it's, when a management is acquiring selection is the core task of this company here, right?
(553) Declaración [vicepresidente y director responsable del mercado alemán de Amazon Deutschland Services GmbH, Múnich, Alemania], de 13 de junio de 2014, p. 39, apartados 21-25: p. 40, apartados 2-3: «I mean it's, when a management is acquiring selection is the core task of this company here, right?
(553) Tunnistus: [asepresident ja Saksamaa äritegevuse piirkondlik juht, Amazon Deutschland Services GmbH, München, Saksamaa], 13. juuni 2014, lk 39, punktid 21–25, lk 40, punktid 2–3: „I mean it's, when a management is acquiring selection is the core task of this company here, right?
(553) Lausunto [varapääjohtaja ja maajohtaja Saksa, Amazon Deutschland Services GmbH, München, Saksa], 13 päivänä kesäkuuta 2014, s. 39, 21–25 kohdat; s. 40, 2–3 kohdat: ”Tarkoitan, että kun johto hankkii valikoimaa, kyse on tämän yrityksen ydintoiminnasta, eikö niin?
(553) Déposition [vice-président et directeur responsable du marché allemand au sein d'Amazon Deutschland Services GmbH, Munich, Allemagne], 13 juin 2014, p. 39, points 21-25: p. 40, points 2-3: «I mean it's, when a management is acquiring selection is the core task of this company here, right?
(553) Az [alelnök és a német piacért felelős igazgató, Amazon Deutschland Services GmbH, München, Németország] tanúvallomása, 2014. június 13., 39. o., 21-25. pont: 40. o., 2-3. pont: „I mean it's, when a management is acquiring selection is the core task of this company here, right?
(553) Deposizione [vicepresidente e direttore responsabile del mercato tedesco presso Amazon Deutschland Services GmbH, Monaco di Baviera, Germania], 13 giugno 2014, pag. 39, punti 21-25, pag. 40, punti 2-3: «I mean it's, when a management is acquiring selection is the core task of this company here, right?
(553) Liudytojo parodymai [Viceprezidentas ir regiono vadovas Vokietijoje, „Amazon Deutschland Services GmbH“, Miunchenas, Vokietija], 2014 m. birželio 13 d., p. 39, 21–25 punktai: p. 40, 2–3 punktai: „I mean it's, when a management is acquiring selection is the core task of this company here, right?
(553) Zeznanie [wiceprezesa i dyrektora odpowiedzialnego za rynek niemiecki w spółce Amazon Deutschland Services GmbH, Monachium, Niemcy], 13 czerwca 2014 r., s. 39, pkt 21–25: s. 40, pkt 2–3: „I mean it's, when a management is acquiring selection is the core task of this company here, right?
(553) Depoimento [vice-presidente e diretor responsável pelo mercado alemão na Amazon Deutschland Services GmbH, Munique, Alemanha], 13 de junho de 2014, p. 39, pontos 21-25: p. 40, pontos 2-3: «I mean it's, when a management is acquiring selection is the core task of this company here, right?
(553) Depoziția [vicepreședintelui și directorului responsabil de piața germană, Amazon Deutschland Services GmbH, München, Germania], 13 iunie 2014, p. 39, punctele 21-25; p. 40, punctele 2-3: „Atunci când conducerea face o achiziție, selecția este principala sarcină a acestei societăți, nu-i așa?
(553) Výpoveď [viceprezident a riaditeľ so zodpovednosťou za nemecký trh v spoločnosti Amazon Deutschland Services GmbH, Mníchov, Nemecko], 13. júna 2014, s. 39, body 21 – 25, s. 40, body 2 – 3: „I mean it's, when a management is acquiring selection is the core task of this company here, right?
(553) Pričanje [podpredsednika in direktorja, odgovornega za nemški trg, v družbi Amazon Deutschland Services GmbH, München, Nemčija], 13. junij 2014, str. 39, točke 21 do 25: str. 40, točki 2 in 3: „I mean it's, when a management is acquiring selection is the core task of this company here, right?


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