Besonderhede van voorbeeld: -7686090643074958476



O gofio'r dyddiad cau y dydd Iau yma i'r Adran Masnach a Diwydiant dderbyn dymuniad y Cynulliad i weld yr agweddau cystadleuaeth ar gynnig Western Power Distribution yn cael eu dychwelyd i'r DU , ac o ystyried nad yw dogfennau allweddol sydd yn datgelu manylion am gynlluniau Western Power Distribution i werthu Dwr Cymru i bob pwrpas i United Utilities wedi eu darparu i'r Cynulliad , i'r Adran Masnach a Diwydiant neu i'r Comisiwn Ewropeaidd , ynghyd â chred llawer o Aelodau'r Democratiaid Rhyddfrydol , ac eraill efallai yn y Cynulliad , nad yw Western Power Distribution wedi chwarae'n deg â ni ynghylch yr effaith a gaiff ei gynlluniau i gymryd drosodd ar filoedd o swyddi o ansawdd uchel ledled Cymru , a wnewch ystyried sicrhau bod y dogfennau hyn , sydd wedi eu harddangos yn Ninas Llundain , wedi eu gosod ar gofnod cyhoeddus yn Llyfrgell y Cynulliad ?
Bearing in mind this Thursday's deadline for the Department of Trade and Industry to take on board the Assembly's desire to see the competition aspects of Western Power Distribution's bid repatriated to the UK , and given that key documents revealing the details of WPD's plans to effectively sell off Dwr Cymru to United Utilities have not been made available to the Assembly , to the DTI or to the European Commission , along with the belief of many Liberal Democrat Members , and perhaps others in the Assembly , that WPD has not played straight with us over the impact that its takeover plans will have on thousands of high quality jobs throughout Wales , will you consider ensuring that these documents , which are on display in the City of London , are placed on public record in the Assembly Library ?


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