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Author: WikiMatrix


Although not immediately upon the coast, but nearly due north of the Bitter Lakes, Heroöpolis was of sufficient importance, as a trading station, to confer its name upon the arm of the Red Sea which runs up the Egyptian mainland as far as Arsinoë (near modern Suez) -- the modern Gulf of Suez.
Meskipun tidak terletak di pantai, melainkan di utara "Danau Pahit" (Bitter Lakes), Heroöpolis cukup penting sebagai pusat perdagangan terkenal di tepi "lengan Laut Merah" (Ἡρωοπολίτης κόλπος, Heropolitus kolpos, bahasa Latin: Heroopoliticus Sinus) yang mengalir ke dalam wilayah Mesir sampai sejauh Arsinoë, dekat kota modern Suez, dekat teluk Suez (κόλπος Ἡρώων, kolpos heroön).


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