Besonderhede van voorbeeld: -7695127803372196091


Author: langbot


I’ve actually really struggled to write about this. I went, and I said I would write about it, and then I’ve struggled to come up with anything coherent. I’m not naïve to police violence. I was at the student protests in 2010 about tuition fees. I also know how Devon and Cornwall police treat fox hunts versus hunt monitors. And I’ve been aware of everything that has happened at Black Lives Matter protests and at the Kill the Bill protests too. I remember vividly the shooting of Jean Charles de Menezes and Mark Duggan. And I don’t forget more recent events, like Chris Kaba and Sarah Everard – or history like Cable Street. I know the police are institutionally racist, I know they uphold state power, and right now this state is anti-asylum seeker and anti-refugee.
Yn hwir re omstrivis rag skrifa a hemma. My eth, ha leverel y hwre vy skrifa yn y gever, hag ena my re omstrivyas dhe dybi a dra vyth kesklenus. Nyns ov anfel a freudh an kreslu. Yth esen y’n protestyow studhyoryon 2010 orth feow dyski. Ynwedh y hwonn fatel wra kreslu Dewnans ha Kernow dyghtya helghow lewern erbynn gorwolysi helgh. Ha war re beuv a buptra re hwarva orth protestyow Black Lives Matter ha Kill the Bill ynwedh. My a borth kov glew a wonnladhans Jean Charles de Menezes ha Mark Duggan. Ha ny ankovav hwarvosow nowyttha, kepar ha Chris Kaba ha Sarah Everard – po istori kepar ha Cable Street. My a wor bos an kreslu hilgasek yn fundyansek, my a wor i dhe ventena nerth an stat, ha bos lemmyn an stat ma gorth-hwiloryon harbereth ha gorth-fowesik.


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