Besonderhede van voorbeeld: -7715448681567905562


Author: oj4


In particular for the early phases of JVCo, both Parties commit to enter into agreements to supply necessary services to JVCo for a period of at least # years, until JVCo is in a position to function cost effectively without this support from its owner entities. [JVCo může určité služby (infrastrukturu, management, provozní a technologickou podporu a rozvoj atd.), které poskytuje partenr za nižší cenu než samotný odnik JVCo, trvale nebo dočasně zadat partnerovi
In particular for the early phases of JVCo, both Parties commit to enter into agreements to supply necessary services to JVCo for a period of at least # years, until JVCo is in a position to function cost effectively without this support from its owner entities. [JVCo kan til en partner varigt eller midlertidigt outsource visse tjenesteydelser (infrastruktur, ledelse, driftsmæssig og teknologisk støtte og udvikling osv.), som kan udføres billigere af en partner end af JVCo selv
In particular for the early phases of JVCo, both Parties commit to enter into agreements to supply necessary services to JVCo for a period of at least # years, until JVCo is in a position to function cost effectively without this support from its owner entities. [JVCo kann bestimmte Dienstleistungen (Infrastruktur, Management, betriebliche und technologische Unterstützung und Entwicklung usw.), die kostengünstiger durch einen Partner erbracht werden können als durch JVCo selbst, dauerhaft oder vorübergehend an einen Partner vergeben
In particular for the early phases of JVCo, both Parties commit to enter into agreements to supply necessary services to JVCo for a period of at least # years, until JVCo is in a position to function cost effectively without this support from its owner entities. [JVCo puede transferir a otras partes, de forma permanente o temporal, ciertos servicios (infraestructura, gestión, apoyo y desarrollo operativo y tecnológico, etc.) que esas partes puedan ofrecer a JVCo con menos costes que si fuera JVCo mismo quien tuviera que ofrecerlos
In particular for the early phases of JVCo, both Parties commit to enter into agreements to supply necessary services to JVCo for a period of at least # years, until JVCo is in a position to function cost effectively without this support from its owner entities. [JVCo võib tellida teatavaid teenuseid (infrastruktuur, haldus, äritegevusega seotud ja tehnoloogiline tugi, tehnoloogiaarendus jne), mida mõni partner saaks osutada väiksemate kulutustega kui JVCo ise, pidevalt või ajutiselt allhanke korras
In particular for the early phases of JVCo, both Parties commit to enter into agreements to supply necessary services to JVCo for a period of at least # years, until JVCo is in a position to function cost effectively without this support from its owner entities. [JVCo voi antaa pysyvästi tai tilapäisesti sopimuspuolelle alihankintana tehtäviksi tiettyjä palveluja (infrastruktuuri, hallinto, toiminnallinen ja tekninen tuki ja kehitystyö jne.), jotka kumppani voi tuottaa kustannustehokkaammin kuin JVCo itse
In particular for the early phases of JVCo, both Parties commit to enter into agreements to supply necessary services to JVCo for a period of at least # years, until JVCo is in a position to function cost effectively without this support from its owner entities. [JVCo pourra confier durablement ou provisoirement certains services (travaux d’infrastructure, gestion, assistance à l’exploitation, support technologique et développement etc.) à l’un des associés, lorsque ces services peuvent être réalisés à des coûts inférieurs à ceux qui seraient encourus si JVCo les réalisait elle-même
In particular for the early phases of JVCo, both Parties commit to enter into agreements to supply necessary services to JVCo for a period of at least # years, until JVCo is in a position to function cost effectively without this support from its owner entities. [A JVCo bizonyos szolgáltatásokat (infrastruktúra, irányítás, üzemeltetési és technológiai támogatás és fejlesztés stb.), amelyek egy partneren keresztül kedvezőbb áron elvégezhetők, mintha maga a JVCo végezné, tartósan vagy átmenetileg átadhat egy partnernek
In particular for the early phases of JVCo, both Parties commit to enter into agreements to supply necessary services to JVCo for a period of at least # years, until JVCo is in a position to function cost effectively without this support from its owner entities. [JVCo può affidare in modo permanente o provvisorio a una delle parti determinati servizi (infrastruttura, gestione, assistenza operativa e tecnologica, sviluppo ecc.) che possono essere forniti a costi minori dalla parte in questione piuttosto che dalla stessa JVCo
In particular for the early phases of JVCo, both Parties commit to enter into agreements to supply necessary services to JVCo for a period of at least # years, until JVCo is in a position to function cost effectively without this support from its owner entities. [JVCo nuolat arba laikinai gali tam tikras paslaugas (infrastruktūra, vadyba, gamybinė ir technologinė parama ir plėtra ir pan.) užsakyti iš vienos iš partnerių, jei ši jas gali teikti pigiau nei pati JVCo
In particular for the early phases of JVCo, both Parties commit to enter into agreements to supply necessary services to JVCo for a period of at least # years, until JVCo is in a position to function cost effectively without this support from its owner entities. (Pastāvīgi vai uz laiku JVCo var pilnvarot kādu partneri sniegt konkrētus pakalpojumus (infrastruktūru, pārvaldību, ražošanas un tehnoloģisko atbalstu un izstrādi utt.), ja partneris tos var sniegt lētāk nekā JVCo
In particular for the early phases of JVCo, both Parties commit to enter into agreements to supply necessary services to JVCo for a period of at least # years, until JVCo is in a position to function cost effectively without this support from its owner entities. [JVCo kan bepaalde diensten (infrastructuur, management, operationele en technische ondersteuning en ontwikkeling, enz.), die goedkoper door een andere partij dan door JVCo zelf kunnen worden geleverd, voor bepaalde of onbepaalde tijd aan een partij gunnen
In particular for the early phases of JVCo, both Parties commit to enter into agreements to supply necessary services to JVCo for a period of at least # years, until JVCo is in a position to function cost effectively without this support from its owner entities. [JVCo może na stałe lub tymczasowo przekazać jednemu z partnerów realizację określonych usług (w zakresie infrastruktury, zarządzania, wsparcia operacyjnego i technologicznego oraz rozwoju), które partner może świadczyć na bardziej korzystnych warunkach finansowych niż JVCo
In particular for the early phases of JVCo, both Parties commit to enter into agreements to supply necessary services to JVCo for a period of at least # years, until JVCo is in a position to function cost effectively without this support from its owner entities. [Spoločnosť JVCo môže natrvalo alebo prechodne presunúť na svojho partnera konkrétne služby (infraštruktúru, manažment, prevádzkovú a technologickú podporu a rozvoj atď.), ktoré môže zmluvná strana poskytovať výhodnejšie ako samotná spoločnosť JVCo
In particular for the early phases of JVCo, both Parties commit to enter into agreements to supply necessary services to JVCo for a period of at least # years, until JVCo is in a position to function cost effectively without this support from its owner entities. (JVCo lahko izvedbo določenih storitev (infrastruktura, menedžment, podpora na področju obratovanja in tehnologije ter razvoj itn.) dolgoročno ali prehodno odda partnerju, ki te storitve lahko izvede ugodneje kot JVCo


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