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Author: jw2019


Geskiedkundiges sê dat daar gedurende hierdie tydperk baie nie-Jode was wat “in sekere mate met Joodse gemeenskappe verbintenisse gevorm het, aan die Joodse godsdiens deelgeneem het en Joodse voorskrifte nagekom het, al was dit nie altyd ewe nougeset nie”.—The History of the Jewish People in the Age of Jesus Christ.
የታሪክ ምሁራን እንደገለጹት ከሆነ በዚያ ዘመን በርካታ አሕዛብ “ከአይሁዳውያን ጋር በተወሰነ ደረጃ ይገናኙ፣ በአይሁዳውያን የአምልኮ ሥነ ሥርዓቶች ይካፈሉ እንዲሁም የአይሁዳውያንን ሕጎች አንዳንድ ጊዜ በከፊል በሌላ ጊዜ ደግሞ ሙሉ በሙሉ ይጠብቁ ነበር።”—ዘ ሂስትሪ ኦቭ ዘ ጁዊሽ ፒፕል ኢን ዚ ኤጅ ኦቭ ጂሰስ ክራይስት
ويذكر المؤرخون ان اممين كُثُرا في تلك الحقبة «أقاموا بعض العلاقات مع المجتمعات اليهودية، مارسوا عددا من طقوس العبادة اليهودية، وامتثلوا كاملا او جزئيا للقوانين اليهودية». — تاريخ الشعب اليهودي في عصر يسوع المسيح (بالانكليزية).
Abalemba ilyashi lya kale batila pali iyi nshita, abena fyalo abengi “baleumfwana na baYuda, baleya mu kupepa na baYuda no kulakonka amafunde ya baYuda. Limo balecita ifi lyonse e lyo limo balecita ifi limo limo fye.”—The History of the Jewish People in the Age of Jesus Christ.
Историците съобщават, че през този период голям брой езичници „се приобщавали повече или по–малко към юдейските общности, участвали в юдейските религиозни служби и спазвали в различна степен юдейските закони“. („История на юдейския народ по времето на Исус Христос“)
Ang mga historyano nagtaho nga niining panahona, daghang Hentil ang “nakig-uban sa mga Hudiyo, nakigbahin sa ilang pagsimba ug nagtuman sa balaod sa mga Hudiyo, usahay sa bug-os nga paagi, usahay dili.”—The History of the Jewish People in the Age of Jesus Christ.
V knize The History of the Jewish People in the Age of Jesus Christ (Dějiny židovského národa v době Ježíše Krista) je uvedeno, že během tohoto období se mnozí pohané „ve větším či menším rozsahu zapojili do života židovské komunity, podíleli se na židovském uctívání a ve větší nebo menší míře dodržovali židovské zákony“.
Historikere fortæller at der i den periode var mange ikkejøder der „mere eller mindre knyttede sig til de jødiske samfund, tog del i den jødiske gudsdyrkelse og helt eller delvist overholdt de jødiske love“. — The History of the Jewish People in the Age of Jesus Christ.
Wie der Historiker Emil Schürer schreibt, „darf angenommen werden, dass in der hellenistisch-römischen Zeit die Zahl derer, welche den jüdischen Gemeinden in engerer oder freierer Form sich anschlossen, am jüdischen Gottesdienst theilnahmen und die jüdischen Satzungen bald mehr bald weniger vollkommen beobachteten, eine sehr grosse war“.
Ŋutinyaŋlɔlawo gblɔ be, le ɣeyiɣi mawo me la, Dukɔwo me tɔ geɖe “va nɔ ha dem kple Yudatɔwo kplikplikpli, nɔ gome kpɔm le Yudatɔwo ƒe subɔsubɔ me, eye wonɔ wɔwɔm ɖe Yudatɔwo ƒe sewo kple ɖoɖowo dzi. Ɣeaɖewoɣi la wowɔna ɖe wo dzi bliboe, gake ɣeaɖewoɣi la, wowɔna ɖe wo dzi afã kple afã.”—The History of the Jewish People in the Age of Jesus Christ.
Mme ewetmbụk eset ẹdọhọ ke ediwak mme Gentile “ẹma ẹtọn̄ọ ndisịk n̄kpere mme Jew, ẹtiene ẹbuana ke mme edinam ido ukpono mmọ, ẹsinyụn̄ ẹnen̄ede ẹnịm mbet mmọ ndusụk ini.”—The History of the Jewish People in the Age of Jesus Christ.
Οι ιστορικοί αναφέρουν ότι, στη διάρκεια αυτής της περιόδου, πολλοί Εθνικοί «προσκολλούνταν, άλλοι λίγο άλλοι πολύ, στις Ιουδαϊκές κοινότητες, συμμετείχαν στην Ιουδαϊκή λατρεία και τηρούσαν τους Ιουδαϊκούς κανόνες, άλλοτε με περισσότερη και άλλοτε με λιγότερη προσήλωση». —Η Ιστορία του Ιουδαϊκού Λαού στην Εποχή του Ιησού Χριστού (The History of the Jewish People in the Age of Jesus Christ).
Historians report that during this period, many Gentiles “attached themselves more or less closely to Jewish communities, took part in the Jewish divine service and observed Jewish precepts sometimes more, sometimes less completely.” —The History of the Jewish People in the Age of Jesus Christ.
Según los historiadores, durante este período muchos gentiles “tenían una relación más o menos estrecha con las comunidades judías, participaban en sus servicios religiosos y obedecían sus leyes hasta cierto grado” (The History of the Jewish People in the Age of Jesus Christ [Historia del pueblo judío en tiempos de Jesús]).
Ajaloolased teatavad, et sel perioodil oli arvukalt paganaid, kes „sidusid end rohkem või vähem juudi kogukondadega, osalesid juutide jumalateenistuses ja pidasid rohkem või vähem rangelt kinni juudi seadustest”. („The History of the Jewish People in the Age of Jesus Christ”.)
Historioitsijoiden mukaan tuona aikana monet ei-juutalaiset ”olivat enemmän tai vähemmän tekemisissä juutalaisten kanssa, osallistuivat juutalaisten palvontamenoihin ja noudattivat juutalaisten säännöksiä joskus tarkasti, joskus vähemmän tarkasti” (The History of the Jewish People in the Age of Jesus Christ).
Des historiens rapportent que, durant cette période, de nombreux Gentils “ s’attachèrent plus ou moins étroitement aux communautés juives, prirent part à leur culte et observèrent leurs préceptes, avec plus ou moins de rigueur ”. — Geschichte des jüdischen Volkes im Zeitalter Jesu Christi (Histoire du peuple juif au temps de Jésus Christ).
היסטוריונים מדווחים כי גויים רבים בתקופה זו ”עמדו בקשרים הדוקים או פחות הדוקים עם קהילות יהודיות, נטלו חלק בפולחן היהודי וקיימו את מצוות היהודים אם בהקפדה ואם בפחות הקפדה” (ההיסטוריה של העם היהודי בימי ישוע המשיח [The History of the Jewish People in the Age of Jesus Christ]).
Nagreport ang mga istoryador nga sa sini nga panag-on, madamo sa mga indi Judiyo “ang nagapakig-angot sa komunidad sang mga Judiyo, nagapakigbahin sa ila pagsimba, nagatuman sa ila mga kasuguan, kon kaisa estrikto, kon kaisa indi.” —The History of the Jewish People in the Age of Jesus Christ.
Povjesničari navode da su se u to vrijeme mnogi ne-Židovi “u većoj ili manjoj mjeri povezali sa židovskim zajednicama, sudjelovali u židovskom bogoslužju i držali se židovskih zakona” (The History of the Jewish People in the Age of Jesus Christ).
Történészek beszámolnak arról, hogy ebben az időszakban sok nem zsidó „kapcsolatot tartott a zsidó közösségekkel, részt vett zsidó istentiszteleteken, és kisebb-nagyobb mértékben megtartott zsidó előírásokat” (Geschichte des jüdischen Volkes im Zeitalter Jesu Christi).
Պատմաբանները նշում են, որ այդ ընթացքում շատ հեթանոսներ «սկսեցին առնչվել հրեական համայնքների հետ, մասնակցել հրեաների երկրպագությանը եւ երբեմն էլ հետեւել նրանց պատվիրաններին» («The History of the Jewish People in the Age of Jesus Christ»)։
Para sejarawan melaporkan bahwa selama masa ini, banyak orang non-Yahudi ”bergaul dengan masyarakat Yahudi, ikut dalam ibadat kepada allah orang Yahudi, dan mengikuti peraturan orang Yahudi, kadang lebih, kadang kurang lengkap”. —The History of the Jewish People in the Age of Jesus Christ.
Ndị ọkọ akụkọ ihe mere eme kwuru na n’oge ahụ, ọtụtụ ndị na-abụghị ndị Juu ‘na-akpa ndị Juu nso, soro ha na-efe ofufe, na-edebekwa iwu ha dị iche iche, ọ bụ ezie na mgbe ụfọdụ ha na-emefe ya ókè, mgbe ụfọdụ, ha anaghị emeru ya n’isi.’—Akwụkwọ bụ́ The History of the Jewish People in the Age of Jesus Christ.
Impadamag dagiti historiador a kabayatan dayta a tiempo, adu a Gentil ti “nakipulapol ken nakipagdaydayaw kadagiti Judio. Addada Gentil a naan-anay a nangannurot iti Judaismo idinto ta ti dadduma dida interamente nga inawat dayta.” —The History of the Jewish People in the Age of Jesus Christ.
Sagnfræðingar segja að á þeim tíma hafi margir heiðnir menn „átt náin samskipti við samfélög Gyðinga, tekið þátt í guðsdýrkun þeirra og haldið lög þeirra að einhverju eða öllu leyti“. — The History of the Jewish People in the Age of Jesus Christ.
Secondo gli storici, in quel periodo molti gentili “aderivano più o meno strettamente alle comunità giudaiche, partecipavano alla liturgia giudaica e osservavano, in modo più o meno completo, i precetti giudaici”. — Ibid., vol III, 1, 225.
この時期に多くの異邦人が「程度の差こそあれユダヤ人地域社会と密接なかかわりを持ち,ユダヤ人の礼拝に参加し,ユダヤ教の戒律を全面的あるいは部分的に守っていた」と,歴史家は述べています。 ―「イエス・キリストの時代のユダヤ人の歴史」(英語)。
ისტორიკოსების ცნობით, ამ დროის განმავლობაში „[მრავალი არაიუდეველი] დაუახლოვდა იუდეველებს, მათ ღვთისმსახურებაში შეუერთდა და ზოგჯერ ზედმიწევნითაც კი იცავდა მათ კანონებს“ (The History of the Jewish People in the Age of Jesus Christ).
역사가들은, 이 시기에 많은 이방인들이 “유대인 공동체와 어느 정도 긴밀한 관련을 맺고 있었으며 유대인들의 신성한 봉사에 참여하였고 경우에 따라 차이는 있었지만 그들의 법규를 철저하게 지켰다”고 설명합니다.—「예수 그리스도 시대의 유대인 역사」(The History of the Jewish People in the Age of Jesus Christ).
Bato ya mayele na masolo ya kala balobi ete na eleko wana, bato mingi ya bikólo mosusu “bakangamaki mpenza na Bayuda, bazalaki kosangana na losambo na bango mpe kotosa mibeko na bango, nyonso to ndambo.” —Lisolo ya Bayuda na eleko ya Yesu Klisto (na Lingelesi).
Istorikai teigia, kad tuo laikotarpiu daugel kitataučių „turėjo vienokių ar kitokių ryšių su žydų bendruomenėmis, dalyvavo žydų religinėse apeigose, laikėsi žydų įstatymų — kartais labiau, kartais mažiau“ (The History of the Jewish People in the Age of Jesus Christ).
Според записите на историчарите, во овој период и многу не-Евреи „почнале да одржуваат врски со еврејските заедници, да учествуваат во еврејската богослужба и повеќе или помалку да ги држат еврејските закони“ (Историјата на Евреите во времето на Исус Христос — The History of the Jewish People in the Age of Jesus Christ).
ထိုကာလအတွင်း ဂျူးမဟုတ်သူများစွာသည် “ဂျူးတို့နှင့် စီးပွားအတူလုပ်ကြပြီး သူတို့၏ဝတ်ပြုမှုတွင် ပါဝင်ကြကာ ဂျူးပညတ်အားလုံးနီးပါးကိုလည်း လိုက်နာစောင့်ထိန်းကြသည်။”—ယေရှုခရစ်အချိန်မှ ဂျူးလူမျိုး၏သမိုင်းကြောင်း။
Noen historikere forteller at det i denne perioden var mange ikke-jøder som «knyttet mer eller mindre nære bånd til jødiske kolonier, deltok i jødisk tilbedelse og overholdt jødiske forordninger, noen ganger mer, noen ganger mindre fullstendig». — The History of the Jewish People in the Age of Jesus Christ.
Historici zeggen dat veel niet-Joden zich in die tijd „in meerdere of mindere mate met Joodse gemeenschappen verbonden, aan hun godsdienstoefeningen deelnamen en hun voorschriften naleefden, soms wat vollediger, soms minder volledig”. — Geschichte des jüdischen Volkes im Zeitalter Jesu Christi.
Northern Sotho[nso]
Bo-radishistori ba bega gore ka nako yeo “Baditšhaba ba bantši ba ile ba dirišana le Bajuda, ba tšea karolo ditirelong tše kgethwa tša Bajuda gomme ka dinako tše dingwe ba boloka melao ya Bajuda ka mo go feletšego goba mo e nyakilego go ba ka mo go feletšego.”—The History of the Jewish People in the Age of Jesus Christ.
Akatswiri a mbiri yakale amanena kuti panthawi imeneyi, anthu ambiri a mitundu ina “anali kuchita zinthu ndi Ayuda, moti anali kulambira limodzi ndi Ayudawo ndipo nthawi zina anali kutsatira malamulo awo onse.” —The History of the Jewish People in the Age of Jesus Christ.
Jak donosi pewne opracowanie, w tamtym okresie wielu pogan „żyło w mniej lub bardziej zażyłych stosunkach ze społecznościami żydowskimi, brało udział w ich praktykach religijnych i w różnym stopniu trzymało się ich praw” (The History of the Jewish People in the Age of Jesus Christ).
Os historiadores dizem que, durante esse período, muitos gentios “começaram a ter contato um tanto achegado com as comunidades judaicas, a participar nos seus ofícios religiosos e a observar seus regulamentos, às vezes mais plenamente, às vezes menos”. — The History of the Jewish People in the Age of Jesus Christ (História do Povo Judeu no Tempo de Jesus Cristo).
Abatohozakahise bavuga ko muri ico gihe abanyamahanga benshi “hari ukuntu baza barifatanya cane n’ibibano vy’Abayuda, bakagira uruhara mu vy’ugusenga kw’Abayuda bakongera bakubahiriza amabwirizwa y’Abayuda, igihe kimwe bakabigira cane ikindi gihe bakabigira mu buryo budafashe.” —The History of the Jewish People in the Age of Jesus Christ.
Согласно историческим сведениям о том времени, многие язычники «в большей или меньшей степени примкнули к еврейским общинам, принимали участие в еврейском богослужении и в большей или меньшей степени соблюдали еврейские законы» (The History of the Jewish People in the Age of Jesus Christ).
Abahanga mu by’amateka bavuga ko icyo gihe Abanyamahanga benshi “bifatanyaga n’imiryango y’Abayahudi mu bintu bimwe na bimwe, bakayoboka Imana y’Abayahudi kandi mu rugero runaka bagakurikiza amategeko yabo.”—The History of the Jewish People in the Age of Jesus Christ.
ප්රතිඵලයක් ලෙස යුදෙව් ආගමික වත්පිළිවෙත් පිළිපදින්නත් යුදෙව්වන්ගේ නිතීවලට යටත් වෙන්නත් ඔවුන් පෙලඹුණු බව සමහර ඉතිහාසඥයන් පවසනවා.—එම පොත The History of the Jewish People in the Age of Jesus Christ.
Podľa historikov v tomto období mnohí Nežidia „mali viac-menej blízke putá so židovskými komunitami, zúčastňovali sa na židovských bohoslužbách a dodržiavali židovské predpisy niekedy viac, niekedy menej úplne“. — The History of the Jewish People in the Age of Jesus Christ.
Zgodovinarji poročajo, da se je v tem obdobju mnogo Nejudov »bolj ali manj tesno navezalo na judovske skupnosti, sodelovalo pri judovskem bogoslužju ter bolj ali manj natančno upoštevalo judovske predpise«. (The History of the Jewish People in the Age of Jesus Christ)
Ua taʻua e tagata popoto i se tusi o talafaasolopito o tagata Iutaia, The History of the Jewish People in the Age of Jesus Christ e faapea, i lea vaitaimi e tele tagata o Nuu Ese na “feutagaʻi ma tagata Iutaia, auai i a latou tapuaʻiga, ma i nisi taimi ua sili atu ona latou tausi tulafono a tagata Iutaia, ae o isi foʻi taimi e lē amanaʻia tele.”
Vanyori vezvakaitika kare vanoti munguva iyi, vanhu vakawanda Vemamwe Marudzi “vakanga vava kuitawo zvaiitwa nevaJudha, vachinamata navo, uye dzimwe nguva vainyatsochengeta mitemo yechiJudha.”—The History of the Jewish People in the Age of Jesus Christ.
Historianët raportojnë se gjatë kësaj periudhe, mjaft johebrenj «lidhën marrëdhënie pak a shumë të ngushta me komunitetet judaike, morën pjesë në adhurimin e tyre dhe zbatuan ligjet e tyre, kush më shumë e kush më pak».—The History of the Jewish People in the Age of Jesus Christ.
Prema pisanju istoričara, tokom tog perioda mnogi nejevreji su „bili u većem ili manjem kontaktu s jevrejskim zajednicama, učestvovali u njihovim religioznim običajima i manje-više se pridržavali jevrejskih propisa“ (The History of the Jewish People in the Age of Jesus Christ).
Sranan Tongo[srn]
Historia sabiman e taki dati na a pisi ten dati, furu sma di no ben de Dyu „bigin abi demakandra nanga den Dyu. Den sma disi ben e teki prati na a anbegi fu den Dyu, èn sonwan fu den ben e hori densrefi na den wet fu den Dyu”.—The History of the Jewish People in the Age of Jesus Christ.
Southern Sotho[st]
Bo-rahistori ba bolela hore nakong eo Balichaba ba bangata “ba ile ba ikopanya le Bajuda ka litsela tse itseng, ba kenella borapeling ba Sejuda ebile ka linako tse ling ba ne ba iphaphatha le melao ea Bajuda ka ho feletseng, ha ka linako tse ling ba ne ba phetha karolo e itseng ea eona.” —The History of the Jewish People in the Age of Jesus Christ.
Historiker skriver att många icke-judar under den här perioden var ”mer eller mindre knutna till de judiska kolonierna, tog del i deras tillbedjan och följde deras lagar helt eller delvis”. (The History of the Jewish People in the Age of Jesus Christ)
Wanahistoria wanaripoti kwamba wengi kati ya Watu wa Mataifa “walijihusisha kwa kadiri fulani na jamii za Wayahudi, walishiriki katika ibada za Kiyahudi, na wakafuata sheria za Wayahudi, nyakati nyingine kwa kiwango kikubwa au kwa kiwango kidogo.”—The History of the Jewish People in the Age of Jesus Christ.
Congo Swahili[swc]
Wanahistoria wanaripoti kwamba wengi kati ya Watu wa Mataifa “walijihusisha kwa kadiri fulani na jamii za Wayahudi, walishiriki katika ibada za Kiyahudi, na wakafuata sheria za Wayahudi, nyakati nyingine kwa kiwango kikubwa au kwa kiwango kidogo.”—The History of the Jewish People in the Age of Jesus Christ.
นัก ประวัติศาสตร์ รายงาน ว่า ใน ช่วง เวลา ดัง กล่าว มี ชาว ต่าง ชาติ หลาย คน “ติด ต่อ คบหา กับ ชุมชน ชาว ยิว อยู่ บ้าง, เข้า ร่วม ใน การ นมัสการ ของ ชาว ยิว และ ปฏิบัติ ตาม กฎ ข้อ ห้าม ของ ศาสนา ยิว บ้าง ก็ ทํา มาก บ้าง ก็ ทํา น้อย.”—ประวัติศาสตร์ ชาว ยิว ใน ยุค พระ เยซู คริสต์ (ภาษา อังกฤษ).
ጸሓፍቲ ታሪኽ ከም ዚገልጽዎ፡ ኣብቲ እዋን እቲ ብዙሓት ኣህዛብ “ንርእሶም ምስ ማሕበረሰብ ኣይሁድ ኣቀራረብዋ፡ ኣብ ኣምልኾ ኣይሁድ ተኻፈሉ፡ ንሕግታት ኣይሁድ ድማ ከከም ዝጠዓሞም የኽብሩ ነበሩ።”—ዘ ሂስትሪ ኦቭ ጂዊሽ ፒፕል ኢን ዘ ኤጅ ኦቭ ጂሰስ ክራይስት
Iniulat ng mga istoryador na noong panahong iyon, maraming Gentil ang “nakisalamuha sa mga pamayanang Judio, nakibahagi sa ginagawang pagsamba ng mga Judio at sumunod sa mga kautusang Judio, kung minsan ay halos lahat at minsan nama’y higit pa.” —The History of the Jewish People in the Age of Jesus Christ.
Baitse hisitori ba bega gore mo motlheng oo, Baditšhaba ba le bantsi ba ne ba “dirisana ka tsela nngwe le Bajuda, ba nna le seabe mo kobamelong ya bone le go ikobela melao ya bone ka botlalo ka dinako dingwe mme ka dinako dingwe ba sa e ikobele.”—The History of the Jewish People in the Age of Jesus Christ.
Tok Pisin[tpi]
Ol saveman i tok, long dispela taim bipo, planti manmeri bilong ol narapela lain ol i “bung wantaim ol Juda long ol komiuniti bilong ol, na ol i lotu wantaim ol Juda na bihainim ol lo bilong ol Juda —sampela ol i bihainim gut na sampela ol i bihainim liklik tasol.” —Buk The History of the Jewish People in the Age of Jesus Christ.
Tarihçiler bu dönemde diğer milletlerden olan birçok kimsenin “Yahudi topluluklarla az çok kaynaştığını, Yahudilerin ibadetlerine katıldığını ve Yahudi yasalarını kısmen ya da tamamen uyguladığını” söylüyor (History of the Jewish People in the Age of Jesus Christ).
Van’wamatimu va vika leswaku hi nkarhi wolowo vanhu vo tala lava a va nga ri Vayuda “a va tirhisana hi tindlela tin’wana ni Vayuda, va hlanganyela eka vugandzeri bya Xiyuda naswona minkarhi yin’wana a va hlayisa milawu ya Xiyuda hi ku helela.”—The History of the Jewish People in the Age of Jesus Christ.
За словами істориків, у той період багато язичників «розвинули тісніші зв’язки з єврейськими громадами, беручи участь у їхньому поклонінні та дотримуючись їхніх законів більшою чи меншою мірою» («Історія єврейського народу за часів Ісуса Христа», англ.).
Các sử gia tường thuật rằng trong giai đoạn ấy, nhiều người thuộc dân ngoại “không ít thì nhiều cũng giao tiếp với cộng đồng người Do Thái, tham gia việc thờ phượng và giữ theo luật pháp của dân này, theo sát tất cả hoặc chỉ một phần luật pháp ấy”. —Lịch sử của dân Do Thái trong thời Giê-su Christ (The History of the Jewish People in the Age of Jesus Christ).
Ababhali-mbali bathi ngeli xesha, abantu beeNtlanga abaninzi “babetsaleleke kumaYuda nakunqulo lwawo yaye bethobela nemithetho yawo.”—The History of the Jewish People in the Age of Jesus Christ.
Gẹ́gẹ́ bí ìwé The History of the Jewish People in the Age of Jesus Christ ṣe ṣàlàyé, àwọn òpìtàn sọ pé lákòókò yẹn, ńṣe làwọn Kèfèrí “bẹ̀rẹ̀ sí í báwọn Júù ṣe nǹkan pa pọ̀, wọ́n ń dara pọ̀ mọ́ ẹ̀sìn àwọn Júù, wọ́n sì ń pa òfin àwọn Júù mọ́ bó bá ṣe yé wọn sí.”
历史家报道,在这段时期,很多外邦人“或多或少跟犹太社区有所联系。 他们参与犹太人的崇拜,并在不同程度上遵守犹太人的规条”。——《耶稣基督时代的犹太民族史》(英语)
Izazi-mlando zibika ukuthi phakathi nale nkathi, abeZizwe abaningi “bazibandakanya nemiphakathi yamaJuda ngandlela-thile, bahlanganyela ezinkonzweni zokukhulekela zamaJuda, balandela izimiso zawo ngezinga elithile.”—The History of the Jewish People in the Age of Jesus Christ.


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