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Author: EurLex-2


(161) Viz výše uvedená studie Deutsche Bank ze dne 22. července 2002: „Podle nás zpráva o současném riziku/výplatě zvláště nepodněcuje investory účastnit se v navýšení kapitálu“. („in our view the risk reward balance is not currently very attractive for investor to participate in a capital increase“.)
(161) Se Deutsche Banks tidligere nævnte undersøgelse af 22. juli 2002: »Vi mener ikke, det nuværende forhold mellem risiko og afkast er videre tillokkende for investorer, der måtte overveje at deltage i en sådan kapitaltilførsel«.
(161) Siehe die bereits zitierte Studie der Deutschen Bank vom 22. Juli 2002: „Nach unserer Einschätzung stellt das gegenwärtige Risiko-Ertrag-Verhältnis keinen sonderlichen Anreiz für Investoren dar, sich an einer Kapitalerhöhung zu beteiligen“. (‘in our view the risk reward balance is not currently very attractive for investor to participate in a capital increase’.)
(161) Βλέπε τη μελέτη της Deutsche Bank της 22ας Ιουλίου 2002, που αναφέρεται παραπάνω: «Η σημερινή σχέση κινδύνου/απόδοσης δεν προσελκύει ιδιαίτερα τους επενδυτές να συμμετάσχουν σε μια αύξηση κεφαλαίου».
(161) See the above-mentioned Deutsche Bank study of 22.7.2002: ‘In our view the risk reward balance is not currently very attractive for investors to participate in a capital increase’.
(161) Véase el estudio del Deutsche Bank del 22 de julio de 2002, anteriormente mencionado: «A nuestro modo de ver, la actual relación entre riesgo y remuneración no incita especialmente a los inversores a participar en una ampliación de capital». (‘in our view the risk reward balance is not currently very attractive for investor to participate in a capital increase’.)
(161) Vt eelpoolmainitud Deutsche Banki uuringut 22. juulist 2002: “Meie arvates ei innusta praegune riski/kompensatsiooni raport investoreid eriti kapitali suurendamises osalema”. (‘in our view the risk reward balance is not currently very attractive for investor to participate in a capital increase’.)
(161) Ks. edellä mainittu Deutsche Bankin 22.7.2002 päivätty selvitys: ”Katsomme, että riski-hyötysuhde ei nykyisellään ole sellainen, että se houkuttelisi sijoittajia osallistumaan pääomakorotukseen.”. (”in our view the risk reward balance is not currently very attractive for investor to participate in a capital increase”.).
(161) Voir l'étude de la Deutsche Bank du 22 juillet 2002, précitée: «Selon nous, le rapport risque/rémunération actuel n'incite pas particulièrement les investisseurs à participer à une augmentation de capital». («in our view the risk reward balance is not currently very attractive for investor to participate in a capital increase».)
(161) Lásd a Deutsche Bank 2002. július 22-i fent említett jelentését: „Szerintünk a jelenlegi kockázat/megtérülés mutató nem nagyon ösztönzi a befektetőket arra, hogy résztvegynek egy tőkeemelésben”. („in our view the risk reward balance is not currently very attractive for investor to participate in a capital increase”.)
(161) V. il suddetto studio della Deutsche Bank del 22 luglio 2002: «Riteniamo che l'attuale rapporto rischio/remunerazione non incoraggi particolarmente gli investitori a partecipare ad un aumento di capitale» (in our view the risk/reward balance is not currently very attractive for investors to participate in a capital increase).
(161) Žr. 2002 m. liepos 22 d.Deutsche Bank tyrimą: „Mūsų manymu, dabartinis rizikos/atlygio santykis neypatingai skatina investuotojus dalyvauti kapitalo didinime“. (‘in our view the risk reward balance is not currently very attractive for investor to participate in a capital increase’.)
(161) Skat. iepriekš minēto Deutsche Bank 2002. gada 22. jūlija pētījumu: “Pēc mūsu domām pašreiz izdarītais ziņojums risks/atlīdzība īpaši nemudina investorus ņemt dalību kapitāla palielināšanā”. (“In our view the risk reward balance is not currently very attractive for investor to participate in a capital increase.”)
(161) Zie de studie van Deutsche Bank van 22.7.2002, reeds aangehaald: „in our view the risk reward balance is not currently very attractive for investor to participate in a capital increase” (eigen vert: „volgens ons is voor een investeerder het evenwicht risico/rendement momenteel niet bijzonder aantrekkelijk om aan een kapitaaluitbreiding deel te nemen”).
(161) Patrz opracowanie Deutsche Bank z dnia 22 lipca 2002 r., cytowane wyżej: „Naszym zdaniem, aktualny stosunek ryzyko/dochód nie pobudza inwestorów w szczególny sposób do udziału w podwyższeniu kapitału”. („in our view the risk reward balance is not currently very attractive for investor to participate in a capital increase”.)
(161) Ver estudo do Deutsche Bank de 22 de Julho de 2002, acima referido: «Na nossa opinião, a relação risco/remuneração actual não incita particularmente os investidores a participarem num aumento de capital». («in our view the risk reward balance is not currently very attractive for investor to participate in a capital increase».)
(161) Pozri štúdiu Deutsche Bank z 22. júla 2002: „Podľa nás správa o aktuálnom riziku/výnose nijako zvlášť nepodnecuje investorov k tomu, aby sa zúčastnili zvýšenia imania“. („in our view the risk reward balance is not currently very attractive for investor to participate in a capital increase“.)
(161) Glej zgoraj omenjeno študijo Deutsche Bank z dne 22. julija 2002: „Po našem mnenju poročilo o tveganju/povračilu trenutno ne spodbuja posebno vlagateljev, da sodelujejo pri zvišanju kapitala“. (‘in our view the risk reward balance is not currently very attractive for investor to participate in a capital increase‘.)
(161) Se Deutsche Banks tidigare nämnda undersökning av den 22 juli 2002: ”Vi anser att det nuvarande förhållandet mellan risk och avkastning inte lockar investerarna att delta i en ökning av kapitalet”. (”in our view the risk reward balance is not currently very attractive for investor to participate in a capital increase”.)


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