Besonderhede van voorbeeld: -7856652127694947083



Ali suddenly cast aside his chibouque, drew the lasso from his pocket, threw it so skilfully as to catch the forelegs of the near horse in its triple fold, and suffered himself to be dragged on for a few steps by the violence of the shock, then the animal fell over on the pole, which snapped, and therefore prevented the other horse from pursuing its way. Gladly availing himself of this opportunity, the coachman leaped from his box; but Ali had promptly seized the nostrils of the second horse, and held them in his iron grasp, till the beast, snorting with pain, sunk beside his companion.
陡然地,阿里放下了他的长筒烟,从口袋里抽出了绳索,巧妙地一抛,那绳圈就套在了离他较近的那匹马的前蹄,然后忍痛让自己被马向前拖了几步,在这几步的时间里,那条巧妙地投出去的绳索已逐渐收紧,终于把那匹狂怒的马的两脚完全拴住了,使它跌倒在地上,这匹马跌到了车辕上,折断了车辕,使另外那匹马也无法再向前跑了。 车夫利用这个机会急忙从他的座位上跳下来,但阿里这时已敏捷地抓住了第二匹马的鼻孔,用他的铁腕死命的抓住不放,直到那头发疯的牲畜痛苦地喷着气,软瘫在它的同伴旁边。


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