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Author: jw2019


(The American College Dictionary, 1959 udgaven, side 656) Jehovas engel sagde i sin tid til Jesu fosterfader Josef: „Ham skal du give navnet Jesus; thi han skal frelse sit folk fra dets synder.“
(Το Αμερικανικό Κολλεγιακό Λεξικό, έκδοσις 1948, σελίς 656) Ο άγγελος του Ιεχωβά είπε στον Ιωσήφ, τον θετόν πατέρα του Ιησού: «Θέλεις καλέσει το όνομα αυτού Ιησούν· διότι αυτός θέλει σώσει τον λαόν αυτού από των αμαρτιών αυτών.»
(The American College Dictionary, 1948 edition, page 656) Said Jehovah’s angel to Joseph, the foster-father of Jesus: “You must call his name Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins.”
(The American College Dictionary, edición de 1948, página 656) El ángel de Jehová dijo a José, el padre adoptivo de Jesús: “Debes llamarlo Jesús, porque él salvará a su pueblo dé sus pecados.”
(The American College Dictionary, 1948:n painos, sivu 656) Jehovan enkeli sanoi Jeesuksen kasvatusisälle Joosefille: ”Sinun on annettava hänelle nimi Jeesus, sillä hän on vapahtava kansansa heidän synneistänsä.”
V, pag. 318) L’angelo di Geova disse a Giuseppe, patrigno di Gesù: “Tu gli porrai nome Gesù. Egli infatti salverà il suo popolo dai suoi peccati”.
(The American College Dictionary, utgaven av 1948, side 656) Jehovas engel sa til Josef, Jesu fosterfar: «Du skal kalle ham Jesus; for han skal frelse sitt folk fra deres synder.»
(O Dicionário do Colégio Americano, em inglês, edição de 1948, página 656) O anjo de Jeová disse a José, o pai adotivo de Jesus: “Terás de chamá-lo ‘Jesus’, porque ele salvará o seu povo dós seus pecados.”


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