Besonderhede van voorbeeld: -8061380707222046843



When she had partaken of the fruit, she, having put confidence in Satan's deceptive misrepresentation, evidently did not realize the extent of the transgression, though probably she had misgivings, and slight apprehensions that all was not well. But, although deceived, Paul says she was a transgressor– though not so culpable as if she had transgressed against greater light.
그녀가 실과를 따먹었을 때 , 사탄의 거짓 허위진술을 신뢰한 그녀는 필시 불신과 모든 것이 사리에 맞지 않음을 약간 우려하긴 했지만 , 범죄의 정도를 분명히 인식하지 못했다 . 속았을 지라도 그녀는 범죄자라고 바울은 말했다 . 더 밝은 빛에 대해서 범죄한 것처럼 그렇게 비난할만하지는 않지만 .


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