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Author: EurLex-2


Global Equity Research 20. února 2003 upřesňuje, že „bezprostřední problémy likvidity jsou rozhodnuty: od předjímání své účasti v navýšení kapitálu 15 miliard eur ve formě výše úvěru 9 miliard eur se FT opětovně mohl dostat na obligační trh, aby snížil bezodkladné příkazy k vymáhání likvidity“. (‘[the] immediate liquidity issues are solved: since the government's upfront prepayment of its €15bn equity offering in the form of a €9bn standby facility, FT has been able to re-access the debt capital markets to solve its immediate liquidity challenges’.)
Global Equity Research pointerer den 20. februar, at »[de] umiddelbare likviditetsproblemer er løst: efter at staten har fremskyndet sin deltagelse i kapitalforøgelsen på 15 mia. euro med en kreditbevilling på 9 mia. euro, har FT igen kunnet få adgang til obligationsmarkedet for at reducere sine umiddelbare likviditetsindskrænkninger«.
So heißt es in dem Bericht von Global Equity Research vom 20. Februar 2003: „[Die] unmittelbaren Liquiditätsprobleme sind gelöst: Seit der Staat seine Beteiligung an der Kapitalerhöhung von 15 Mrd. EUR in Form einer Kreditlinie über 9 Mrd.
Η Global Equity Research διευκρινίζει στις 20 Φεβρουαρίου 2003 ότι «[Τα] άμεσα προβλήματα ρευστότητας επιλύθηκαν: μετά την προκαταβολή της συμμετοχής της στην αύξηση κεφαλαίου κατά 15 δισεκατομμύρια ευρώ υπό τη μορφή ενός κονδυλίου πίστωσης 9 δισεκατομμύρια ευρώ, η FT μπόρεσε εκ νέου να προσχωρήσει στην αγορά ομολόγων για να μειώσει τις άμεσες δυσκολίες ρευστότητας που αντιμετώπιζε». («[the] immediate liquidity issues are solved: since the government's upfront prepayment of its €15bn equity offering in the form of a €9bn standby facility, FT has been able to re-access the debt capital markets to solve its immediate liquidity challenges».)
Global Equity Research stated on 20 February 2003 that: ‘[the] immediate liquidity issues are solved: since the government's upfront prepayment of its €15bn equity offering in the form of a €9bn standby facility, FT has been able to re-access the debt capital markets to solve its immediate liquidity challenges’.
El 20 de febrero de 2003 Global Equity Research precisa que: «se han solucionado [los] problemas inmediatos de liquidez: desde que se anticipó su participación en la ampliación de capital de 15 000 millones de euros en forma de una línea de crédito de 9 000 millones de euros, FT ha podido acceder de nuevo al mercado obligacionista para reducir sus dificultades inmediatas de liquidez». («[the] immediate liquidity issues are solved: since the government’s upfront prepayment of its €15bn equity offering in the form of a €9bn standby facility, FT has been able to re-access the debt capital markets to solve its immediate liquidity challenges».)
Global Equity Research täpsustab 20. veebruaril 2003, et “Vahetud likviidsusprobleemid on lahendatud: alates eeldusest, et ta osaleb kapitali suurendamises 15 miljardi euro võrra 9 miljardi euro suuruse krediidiliini kujul, on FT-l jälle võimalus väärtpaberiturule ligi pääseda, et oma vahetuid likviidsuspiiranguid vähendada”. (‘[the] immediate liquidity issues are solved: since the government's upfront prepayment of its €15bn equity offering in the form of a €9bn standby facility, FT has been able to re-access the debt capital markets to solve its immediate liquidity challenges’.)
Global Equity Research toteaa 20 päivänä helmikuuta 2003, että ”välittömät likviditeettiongelmat on ratkaistu: sen jälkeen, kun FT:n 15 miljardin euron pääomakorotukseen myönnettiin ennakkona 9 miljardin euron luottolimiitti, yritys on päässyt uudelleen joukkovelkakirjamarkkinoille ja pystynyt näin poistamaan maksuvalmiuteensa liittyviä välittömiä vaikeuksia”. (‘[the] immediate liquidity issues are solved: since the government's upfront prepayment of its €15bn equity offering in the form of a €9bn standby facility, FT has been able to re-access the debt capital markets to solve its immediate liquidity challenges’.)
Global Equity Research précise le 20 février 2003 que «[Les] problèmes immédiats de liquidité sont résolus: depuis l'anticipation de sa participation dans l'augmentation de capital de 15 milliards d'euros sous la forme d'une ligne de crédit de 9 milliards d'euros, FT a de nouveau pu accéder au marché obligataire pour réduire ses contraintes immédiates de liquidité». («[the] immediate liquidity issues are solved: since the government's upfront prepayment of its €15bn equity offering in the form of a €9bn standby facility, FT has been able to re-access the debt capital markets to solve its immediate liquidity challenges».)
A Global Equity Research 2003. február 20-i számában kijelenti, hogy „az azonnali likviditási problémákat megoldották: a 15 milliárd euró tőkeemelésben való részvétele megelőlegezéseként kezdeményezett 9 milliárd euró hitelkeret létrehozása óta az FT ismételten hozzájutott az adósságfinanszírozási piacokhoz, hogy csökkentse azonnali likviditási szükségleteit”. (“[the] immediate liquidity issues are solved: since the government's upfront prepayment of its €15bn equity offering in the form of a €9bn standby facility, az FT has been able to re-access the debt capital markets to solve its immediate liquidity challenges”.)
Global Equity Research precisa, il 20 febbraio 2003, che «[I] problemi immediati di liquidità sono risolti: dopo l'anticipo della partecipazione dello Stato all'aumento di capitale di 15 miliardi di euro mediante una linea di credito di 9 miliardi di euro, FT ha potuto nuovamente accedere al mercato obbligazionario per ridurre le sue limitazioni immediate di liquidità» ([the] immediate liquidity issues are solved: since the government's upfront prepayment of its €15bn equity offering in the form of a €9bn standby facility, FT has been able to re-access the debt capital markets to solve its immediate liquidity challenges).
Global Equity Research2003 m. vasario 20 d. pažymėjo, kad „skubiausios likvidumo problemos buvo išspręstos: po to, kai 15 milijardų eurų kapitalo didinimo operacija buvo paankstinta skyrus 9 milijardų eurų kredito liniją, FT vėl galėjo patekti į obligacijų rinką ir sumažinti neatidėliotiną grynųjų pinigų poreikį“. („[the] immediate liquidity issues are solved: since the government's upfront prepayment of its €15bn equity offering in the form of a €9bn standby facility, FT has been able to re-access the debt capital markets to solve its immediate liquidity challenges“.)
Global Equity Research2003. gada 20. februārī precizē, ka “[Šīs] steidzamās likviditātes problēmas ir atrisinātas: kopš savas līdzdalības kapitāla palielināšanā par 15 miljardiem eiro pasteidzināšanas kredītlīnijas par 9 miljardiem eiro veidā FT no jauna varēja piekļūt obligāciju tirgum, lai samazinātu savus steidzamos likviditātes ierobežojumus”. (‘[the] immediate liquidity issues are solved: since the government’s upfront prepayment of its €15bn equity offering in the form of a €9bn standby facility, FT has been able to re-access the debt capital markets to solve its immediate liquidity challenges’);
Global Equity Research verklaart op 20 februari 2003 dat „[the] immediate liquidity issues are solved: since the government’s upfront prepayment of its €15bn equity offering in the form of a €9bn standby facility, FT has been able to re-access the debt capital markets to solve its immediate liquidity challenges.” (eigen vert.: „[De] onmiddellijke liquiditeitsproblemen zijn opgelost: sinds de regering van haar aanbod voor een kapitaaluitbreiding van 15 miljard EUR vooraf heeft aanbetaald in de vorm van een kredietlijn van 9 miljard EUR, is France Télécom in staat opnieuw toegang te krijgen tot de markten voor vreemd vermogen om haar onmiddellijke liquiditeitsbehoeften op te lossen.”).
Global Equity Research podkreśla w dniu 20 lutego 2003 r., że „nie cierpiące zwłoki problemy płynności zostały rozwiązane: od momentu antycypacji udziału [państwa] w podwyższeniu kapitału o 15 miliardów euro w formie linii kredytowej w wysokości 9 miliardów euro, FT ponownie miało dostęp do rynku obligacji dla zmniejszenia swych natychmiastowych ograniczenia płynności”. (‘[the] immediate liquidity issues are solved: since the government's upfront prepayment of its €15bn equity offering in the form of a €9bn standby facility, FT has been able to re-access the debt capital markets to solve its immediate liquidity challenges’.)
A Global Equity Research precisa, em 20 de Fevereiro de 2003, que «[Os] problemas imediatos de liquidez estão resolvidos: desde a antecipação da sua participação no aumento de capital de 15 mil milhões de euros, sob a forma de uma linha de crédito de 9 mil milhões de euros, a FT pôde novamente aceder ao mercado obrigacionista para reduzir os seus problemas imediatos de liquidez». (‘[the] immediate liquidity issues are solved: since the government’s upfront prepayment of its €15bn equity offering in the form of a €9bn standby facility, FT has been able to re-access the debt capital markets to solve its immediate liquidity challenges’.)
Global Equity Research upresňuje 20. februára 2003: „Naliehavé problémy s likviditou boli vyriešené: od anticipácie svojej účasti na zvýšení imania o 15 miliárd eur formou úverovej linky 9 miliárd eur mohla FT opäť vstúpiť na trh s dlhopismi a tým odstrániť svoje akútne problémy s likviditou“.. („[the] immediate liquidity issues are solved: since the government’s upfront prepayment of its €15bn equity offering in the form of a €9bn standby facility, FT has been able to re-access the debt capital markets to solve its immediate liquidity challenges“.)
Global Equity Research 20. februarja 2003 trdi, da „so neposredne težave likvidnosti rešene: od predplačila sodelovanja pri rasti kapitala 15 milijard EUR v obliki kreditne linije 9 milijard EUR je podjetje FT spet lahko stopilo na trg obveznic, da bi znižalo neposredne pritiske likvidnosti“. („[the] immediate liquidity issues are solved: since the government’s upfront prepayment of its €15bn equity offering in the form of a €9bn standby facility, FT has been able to re-access the debt capital markets to solve its immediate liquidity challenges“.)
Global Equity Research förtydligar den 20 februari 2003 att ”[De] omedelbara likviditetsproblemen har lösts: sedan staten beviljat förskott på sin andel av kapitaltillskottet på 15 miljarder euro i form av en kreditfacilitet på 9 miljarder euro fick FT på nytt tillgång till obligationsmarknaden och kunde lösa sina omedelbara likviditetsproblem”. (’[the] immediate liquidity issues are solved: since the government's upfront prepayment of its €15bn equity offering in the form of a €9bn standby facility, FT has been able to re-access the debt capital markets to solve its immediate liquidity challenges’.)


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